Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 30-November 1, 2008: Crisis and revolution in today’s world. Analysis and perspectives

International Congress of Research and Political Debate

Working People of All Countries, Unite!

Crisis and revolution in today’s world. Analysis and perspectives

October 30th to November 1st, 2008

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Facultad de Filosofìa y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

“The end of History” can be considered as one of most flawed predictions ever heard. Instead of accepting passively the painful consequences of capitalism, the world’s proletarians respond in different ways. Latin-American insurrections, Iraqi resistance and strikes in Europe show that class struggle remains at center stage in world politics. Fukuyama’s mistaken characterization exemplifies the inability of bourgeois science to analyse and understand reality.

The ongoing instability which interferes in capital accumulation requires other instruments to be understood. The working class owes itself a scientific debate to anticipate tendencies and clarify political tasks that need to be carried out. Different political organizations, parties, journals, research centers and independent intellectuals work separately in order to accomplish this duty. It is time to join forces. That is the reason we are organizing this I International Congress of Political Debate: an opportunity of discussion and intellectual confrontation which will contribute to the construction of the workers’ international unity. Because when it comes to facing capitalist barbarism, the working class is still the only one that can make History move on.

Suggested topics:

- Bourgeois Revolution History

- Workers Revolutions History: victories and defeats

- The History of Capitalist Development

- Who is the worker class? Determinations and structural transformations

- The laws of the Capital. Debates about Value Theory

- Is there or is there not a crisis going on nowadays? The capital accumulation today

- What is the purpose of art?

- Latin America in the eye of the storm

- Mass political action. Analyses of the class struggle

- The importance of the Dialectic. Debates about scientific method

- Psychoanalysis and Revolution

- The necessity of the organization. The political Party and the International

- What is Socialism?

Proposals for roundtables: Submit an abstract including a title, a summary of the proposed issue to be discussed, the presenters´ names and short curriculum vitae of the organizer/s. Suggestions for topics are welcomed as long as they are relevant to the defining themes of the conference.

Deadline for proposals: May 10th, 2008

Proposals for papers: Abstracts should not exceed 200 words and should be written in 12 points, Times New Roman. Please include your name, professional affiliation/ institutional status, contact information, and chosen thematic area.

Deadline for proposals: July 30th, 2008

Paper submission: Papers must be formatted using Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing and are not to exceed 20 pages.

Deadline for papers: September 9th, 2008


Supporting organizations

- CEICS (Argentina)

- CEMARX, University of Campinhas (Brazil)

- Actuel Marx (France)

- Grupo de Investigacion LLank'aymanta (Bolivia)

- Revista Memoria (México)

- Asociación Latinoamericana de Economistas Marxistas (Venezuela)

- CICSO (Argentina)

- Departamento de Educación del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación- (Argentina)

- Revista Topía- Psicoanálisis, sociedad y cultura (Argentina)

- Cátedra Libre Ernesto Che Guevara de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la UNLPam (Argentina)

- Cátedra: Sociología de la Guerra - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UBA) (Argentina)

- Colectivo de trabajo humanidades en CAUCE (U. N. La plata)

- JUS (Juventud Universitaria Socialista) - Conducción Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades (U. N. Comahue)

- Estación Finlandia Producciones y Ediciones.

- "Colectivo De Trabajo-FER" (U.N.Comahue)

- Agrupación Estudiantil Nueva Opción (U.N.Lujan)

- Agrupación estudiantil Oktubre (Trabajo Social - U.N. Luján)

- Agrupación Desde el Pie (Trabajo Social U.N. Luján - Regional Campana)

- Insurgente - Espacio de integración cultural

- Docentes de Base de La Matanza en SUTEBA Matanza

- Agrupación Estudiantil Avanzada (UN Luján)

- Razón y Revolución, organización cultural