Sri Lanka: Reading the General Election 2024 (plus: The Sri Lankan left’s long road to power)
Pasan Jayasinghe & Amali Wedagedara — The National People’s Power (NPP) has made history. How can the NPP’s victory and mandate be understood, and what will the next five years look like?

Caucasus Feminist Anti-War Movement is an emerging movement of feminist and anti-war/peace activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Ilya Matveev: ‘Lenin’s theory only goes part of the way towards explaining Russian imperialism’
Ilya Matveev — Ideology is the crucial factor in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which cannot be accounted for simply with reference to contradictions of capital accumulation or geopolitics.

Geopolitical conflicts, anti-imperialism and internationalism in times of ‘reactionary acceleration’
Jaime Pastor — An increasingly authoritarian neoliberalism is spreading, not only in the South but increasingly in the North, with the threat of a “reactionary acceleration”.

The logic of imperialism’s ‘Maritime Great Game’ in the Southeast Asian Sea
Rasti Delizo — A fresh inter-imperialist conflict is mounting in the form of a ‘Maritime Great Game’, and it is swiftly accelerating across the Southeast Asian Sea.

Palestinian resistance is very much alive and kicking
Édouard Soulier — Armed resistance will not be enough to secure withdrawal without movement from the outside, whether it be boycott campaigns or direct pressure via mobilisation.

Sustainability fantasies/genocidal realities: Palestine against an eco-apartheid world
Vijay Kolinjivadi & Asmaa Ashraf — Gaza’s plight is part of a broader eco-apartheid system, perpetuating colonial violence to safeguard Western interests and profits.

María Alejandra Díaz — Caught between two warring parties intent on continuing head-on towards a collision, we must insist on doing politics and defending transparency, popular sovereignty and the Constitution.

Boris Kagarlitsky: ‘Do not include me in any prisoner exchange lists!’
Boris Kagarlitsky — There is a danger in replacing the fight for the complete release of all political prisoners with the compilation of exchange lists aimed at freeing a few dozen relatively well-known individuals, while thousands of others remain behind bars.

Boris Kagarlitsky — The election results show that the mere threat of a reactionary turn was not enough. Liberals are now doomed to reap the fruits of their catastrophic policies, the dire consequences of which will affect not only the United States but the entire world.

Justin Akers Chacón — The defeat of the Democrats is not a reflection of hard right political shifts in the working class but a rejection of that party’s hard right shifts amid a deepening confluence of overarching crises.

Robert Brenner — The theory of imperialism put forward by Vladimir Lenin to end World War I remains, if properly qualified, the best point of departure for understanding imperialism today.