Ukraine Palestine interview
Adib Shaheen explains how the struggle for a just future and the support of peoples resisting aggression and repression are the same struggle.
Palestinian solidarity protesters during a large-scale demonstration in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 23, 2023. Photograph by André Chung for Hammer & Hope.
Hadas Thier — Global outrage over Israel’s attacks on Gaza has produced a broad-based mass movement never before witnessed on the question of Palestine.
Iran Israel bomb
Gilbert Achcar — Israel will complete its genocidal war against Gaza for six before directing its military efforts against Iran and Hezbollah.
antizionism Germany
Bue Rübner Hansen explores Germany's embrace of racist policing, the anti-Muslim alliance between the German and Israeli right, and the cancellation of Palestinian voices and Jews who object to mass murder.
Germany Palestine
Bue Rübner Hansen explains the historical background for the idea that Germany’s atonement for the Holocaust is essentially connected to support for the state of Israel.
Lego parliament
Phil Hearse examines the rapidly shifting political landscape that the increasing likelihood of a Starmer-led government is bringing about.
Eric Toussaint — The rejection of policies promoted by traditional imperialist powers, and announcements made by the BRICS, have aroused expectations of major changes. But what has actually happened?
Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the need for an alternative to the individualist logic of modern liberalism and the totalitarian aggressiveness of the new conservatism.
sydney palestine protest
Socialist Alliance condemns Israel and its Western allies, including Australia, for their role in escalating conflict in the Middle East.
Nancy Fraser Michael Probsting Leila Khaled
Leila Khaled, Michael Pröbsting and Nancy Fraser, all of whom have been recently interviewed by LINKS, are facing repression due to their support for Palestine.
geneva lake
Michael Roberts looks at the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization and imperial rivalries.
Sudan military
Saskia Jaschek — It is impossible to understand the war in Sudan without accounting for the regional and international interests involved.