Asian left on US-China tensions series

Trump Modi

Clifton D’Rozario (CPIML Liberation, India): ‘Modi’s Hindu supremacist and pro-US foreign policy have greatly set back regional cooperation’

Clifton D’Rozario discusses Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role as a global far right leader and the impact of US-China tensions on South Asian politics and struggles.
AUKUS summit

Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance): ‘Ruling class support for the US war drive on China fundamentally shapes Australian politics today’

Sam Wainwright discusses the state of US global hegemony, Australia’s role within it as a mid-sized imperialist power and prospects for working-class solidarity across borders.
nine-dash line claim

Au Loong-Yu (Hong Kong): ‘Opposing US militarisation in the Asia-Pacific should not mean remaining silent on China’s emerging imperialism’

Au Loong-Yu discusses China’s global status and its implications for peace and solidarity activism.
bombing of Gaza

[Updated] Asian left statements: Stop Israel’s war on Gaza

Statements by New Bloom (Taiwan), Jamhoor (Pakistan), the Socialist Party of Malaysia, Partido Lakas ng Masa (the Philippines), the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, the Japanese Communist Party, the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction), a collective of anonymous Tibetans and Hongkongers, and a group of Revolutionary Communists in China.
PSM Choo Chon Kai

Choo Chon Kai (Socialist Party of Malaysia): ‘Peace in the Asia-Pacific requires movements capable of taking power’

Choo Chon Kai outlines his views on rising US-China tensions, the struggle for peace in Southeast Asia and challenges for building solidarity amid an increasingly multipolar world.
China Korea US

Youngsu Won (South Korea): ‘US-China tensions have erased any space for struggle’

Youngsu Won discusses how rising tensions between the United States and China impact South Korean politics.
Against the Japanese-Australian air drills Komatsu Air Base, August 23

Akira Kato, Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction): ‘The government is taking advantage of Russia’s invasion to convert Japan into a big military power’

Akira Kato discusses rising US-China tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Japan’s attempts to transform itself into a regional military power, the conflicts over Ukraine and Taiwan and building mass anti-war struggles today.
us china pakistan

Ammar Ali Jan (Haqooq-e-Khalq Party, Pakistan): ‘Global South countries are increasingly being forced to pick a side between powers’

Ammar Ali Jan discusses global politics, growing tensions between the United States and China, the impacts of this on Pakistan and implications for anti-imperialism in the Global South today.
Japan Self Defence Forces

Kimitoshi Morihara (Japanese Communist Party): ‘Indo-Pacific must be a region of dialogue and cooperation, not rivalry’

Japanese Communist Party's Kimitoshi Morihara discusses US-China tensions, Japan’s shifting post-war security policy, the party's position on Ukraine and Taiwan, and possible peace initiatives for the region.
Phillipines between China and US

Sonny Melencio (Party of the Labouring Masses, Philippines): ‘We oppose the US and China’s preparations for war’

Sonny Melencio discusses the current state of global imperialism, the looming threat of a US-China war and what approach the left should take to regional peace, security and anti-imperialist solidarity.
SA logo

Socialist Alliance (Australia): Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism! Reject war drive on China

The following two statements, "Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism" and "Reject the war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action" were adopted by the Socialist Alliance national conference on January 14-15, 2023.
US ASEAN summit

Joint statement of Southeast Asian Left: Condemn and resist US imperialism’s latest belligerent moves in the Asia-Pacific region

President Joe Biden has just concluded his first official visit to Asia seeking to secure and advance the United States’ core strategic interests in this vital area of the world.

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