Boris Kagarlitsky

Boris Kagarlitsky: Waiting for Russia’s spring
Do we have reason to hope for a spring in Russia — let alone expect one soon? It seems that we do, writes political prisoner Boris Kagarlitsky from a Russian penal colony.

‘Even silence is viewed as dissent’: An interview with Russian trade unionist Pavel Kudyukin
Pavel Kudyukin discusses the situation of workers and trade unions in Russia, the differing stances among Russian leftists towards Russia’s war on Ukraine, and the campaigns to free political prisoners held in Russian jails.

Boris Kagarlitsky on the New Deal proposal for Russia
Writing from a penal colony in Russia, Boris Kagarlitsky provides a detailed analysis of the New Deal proposal for Russia being developed by a group of leftist economists.

Trevor Ngwane: ‘Barbarism is no longer an abstraction. We can see it right in front of our eyes’
Trevor Ngwane — Rosa Luxemburg said the sharpening of the class struggle in the context of a rolling capitalist crisis would soon put a stark choice before humanity: socialism or barbarism? That moment has come.

Boris Kagarlitsky: Trump’s uncertain foreign policy
Boris Kagarlitsky — No one quite knows what to expect of Donald Trump’s presidency. Which is only natural, as he himself does not know.

Anna Ochkina: ‘Russians understand that the stability promised to them has disappeared’
Anna Ochkina — Political repression in Russia is aimed at destroying not just oppositional thinking, but free thinking as such.

Boris Kagarlitsky’s ‘The Long Retreat’: Capitalism, crisis and the left’s challenge
Dmitry Pozhidaev — By integrating historical analysis, dialectical critique and a pragmatic vision for action, Boris Kagarlitsky’s new book offers a roadmap for reclaiming the future.

Boris Kagarlitsky: ‘Do not include me in any prisoner exchange lists!’
Boris Kagarlitsky — There is a danger in replacing the fight for the complete release of all political prisoners with the compilation of exchange lists aimed at freeing a few dozen relatively well-known individuals, while thousands of others remain behind bars.

Boris Kagarlitsky on the US elections, Trump, peace talks and prospects for world war
From a Russian penal colony, Boris Kagarlitsky responses to questions about the US elections, its potential impacts on the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine and prospects for a new world war.

In Russia, no one is safe from prison
Anastasia Spartak — While liberal dissidents receive most of the attention, Russian leftists face an equally brutal crackdown.