latin america
Against authoritarianism and neoliberalism in Venezuela: A view from the critical left
In this conversation, Edgardo Lander seeks to move beyond the dogmatic, schematic and sectarian views that characterise much of the international flow of information and analysis on Venezuela.
The end of Venezuela’s Bolivarian process? An interview with community activist Gerardo Rojas
Gerardo Rojas discusses the July 28 presidential election, the current state of community organising in the country and why we might be witnessing the Maduro government’s final break with the Bolivarian process.
Venezuela’s presidential elections: Attempted coup or fraud? An interview with Reinaldo Iturriza
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the competing — and inadequate — narratives surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.
Venezuela’s diverse lefts need internationalist solidarity
Yoletty Bracho — Amid the polarized conflict between the government and opposition, critical leftist voices struggle to advance their own political demands.
Venezuela: Not losing sight of imperialism
Ricardo Vaz discusses the "big picture" of imperialist attacks against Venezuela and international solidarity.
The 1st International Antifascist Conference will take place in Porto Alegre in 2025
Following its cancellation due to the floods in Porto Alegre in May 2024, the 1st International Antifascist Conference will take place next year in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul.