
The epochal crisis of global capitalism — Challenges for popular resistance from below

William I Robinson — Faced with an unprecedented crisis of epochal proportions, global capitalism’s extermination impulse is rising to the surface. Never has the slogan “resist to exist” been more opportune and appropriate.
capital flows

Surplus profits, capital exports and imperialism: An interrogation of commonly held beliefs and assumptions

James Doughney interrogates some commonly held beliefs and assumptions about monopoly capital, surplus profits and the export of capital — and explains why they are not coherent.
Lenin imperialism export capitals

The place of capital exports in Lenin’s conception of imperialism — A response to John Bellamy Foster

James Doughney — It is hard to avoid thinking that any attempt to airbrush Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ is a form of avoidance behaviour in the face of awkward but stubborn facts.
Serbian election protests

Serbia in 2024: A mirror on capitalism’s global crises

Dmitry Pozhidaev — In 2024, Serbia offered a particularly clear reflection of the three core dimensions of capitalism’s crisis: political, economic and systemic.
Socialism for today david kotz

Reimagining socialism: An interview with David Kotz

David Kotz dissects the lessons from the Soviet model, explains why capitalism cannot be reformed and makes a case for democratic socialism.
Nobel Prize economy winners

The Nobel Prize for Institutions: A critique of Acemoglu and Robinson’s framework

Dmitry Pozhidaev — In many ways, Acemoglu and Robinson’s framework echoes the “end of history” thesis popularised by Francis Fukuyama.
Biden Xi

Imperialism as antagonistic cooperation

Promise Li — Economic interdependence has shown surprising resilience even across rival geopolitical blocs. Existing theories of imperialism fail to fully account for these seemingly contradictory dimensions of today’s world system.
money bullets

State of the world: Economic crisis and geopolitical rivalries

Claude Serfati — The global space is being transformed under the dual pressure of economic dynamics and geopolitical rivalries.
Protest Russian imperialism

Political imperialism, Putin’s Russia, and the need for a global left alternative: An interview with Ilya Matveev

Ilya Matveev discusses the two logics of imperialism, how they help us explain the different paths that China and Russia took to become imperialist powers, and the left's need for a shared vision of progressive change.
Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value

Reinvigorating Marx: A critical exploration of value theory in 21st-century capitalism (plus: Re-reading Giovanni Arrighi on the struggle for global hegemony)

Dmitry Pozhidaev — ‘Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value’ aims to explain 21st-century capitalism through Karl Marx’s value theory.
Net foreign capital income

Imperialism: Now we have some numbers

Renfrey Clarke — In the view of Marxists, the rift that divides the world is a direct result of imperialism, whose core is always material and economic.
Bangladesh protests with flag

Bangladesh: The ‘Global South’ debt crisis intensifies

Michael Roberts — The overthrow of the Sheikh Hasina’s dictatorial government in Bangladesh is a startling outcome of the economic nightmare that many so-called developing economies are experiencing.

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