Imperialism: Now we have some numbers
Renfrey Clarke — In the view of Marxists, the rift that divides the world is a direct result of imperialism, whose core is always material and economic.

BRICS and Israel’s ongoing energy supplies
Michael Karadjis — Some of the states that have been most critical of Israel’s actions are also the ones who supply the majority of its oil and coal.

Multi-polarity: A new alignment?
Jerry Harris — Some see multi-polarity as a new stage of non-alignment, and even the creation of an anti-imperialist bloc. But the economic and political elites of the Global South are too deeply tied to transnational capitalism to be truly independent.

The ‘multipolar world’: A euphemism to support multiple imperialisms
Frederick Thon Ángeles, Manuel Rodríguez Banchs and Jorge Lefevre Tavárez put forward 18 ideas about the new world order, the dangers of rising inter-imperial conflict, and the need to build an independent pole anchored in the international working class.

South Africa’s ‘Government of Neoliberal Unity’ is constructed on shaky ground
Patrick Bond — Given declining living standards, an elite transition will not stick nearly as well as Nelson Mandela’s 1994-99 reign. It may be a matter of just months before the centre can no longer hold.

Michael Roberts: Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism
Michael Roberts — Imperialism can be quantified in economic terms: it is the persistent transfer of surplus value to the rich countries from the poorest countries of the world. This process developed some 150 years or so ago and remains.

South Africa: Punching above its weight
Juan Acevedo-Ossa — South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel is the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding even the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.

Oil jabber heard in Dubai: Top ten reasons to dismiss the Conference of Polluters 28
Patrick Bond & Desmond D’Sa — The crucial point for the host-country president and his supporters in Western, BRICS+ and OPEC countries was to not concede the need to “phase out“ gas, oil and coal.

BRICS+ emerge from Johannesburg humbled as sub- (not anti- or inter-) imperialists
Patrick Bond — The BRICS summit in Johannesburg concluded on August 24 after a major disappointment: the long-overdue challenge to U.S. dollar hegemony was stillborn due to the bloc’s conservative forces.