US imperialism
Some clarity on imperialism and anti-imperialism today — A response to Steve Ellner
Greg Godels argues that the road to defeating imperial aggression — US or any other — is to win the working class to the fight with a class-oriented program that attacks the roots of imperialism: capitalism.
Resisting authoritarian populism: Trump’s victory and the tasks of the Left
Ashley Smith — The Left, social movements, and unions cannot rely on the Democrats, who are responsible for Trump’s victory. Rather, it needs to build an independent resistance committed to fighting for our own demands.
The logic of imperialism’s ‘Maritime Great Game’ in the Southeast Asian Sea
Rasti Delizo — A fresh inter-imperialist conflict is mounting in the form of a ‘Maritime Great Game’, and it is swiftly accelerating across the Southeast Asian Sea.
Middle East on the brink: Current situation and future prospects
Imran Kamyana — The new chaos emerging in the Middle East is not showing any signs of abating. Instead, it holds immense potential for further escalation, intensifying destruction and bloodshed.
Venezuela: Opposing the blockade is our main task
Chris Slee — Activists in Venezuela have every right to criticise government policy. But for socialists in the imperialist countries, our priorities should be different.
Imperialism as antagonistic cooperation
Promise Li — Economic interdependence has shown surprising resilience even across rival geopolitical blocs. Existing theories of imperialism fail to fully account for these seemingly contradictory dimensions of today’s world system.
State of the world: Economic crisis and geopolitical rivalries
Claude Serfati — The global space is being transformed under the dual pressure of economic dynamics and geopolitical rivalries.