
Distribution of Ukraine's public external debt

Ukraine’s debt: An instrument of pressure and spoliation in the hands of creditors

Eric Toussaint — If Ukraine wants to fully regain its sovereignty, it must also free itself from the yoke of the creditors who are acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.
IMF out of Pakistan

World Bank and IMF — Keeping Pakistan in shackles

Farooq Tariq — Pakistani farmers and peasants are demanding accountability for the WB-IMF’s promotion of neoliberal and open-market economic policies that fuel hunger and inequalities.
poverty in Venezuela

Imperialist sanctions, crony capitalism and Venezuela’s Long Depression: An interview with Malfred Gerig

Malfred Gerig situates the impact of United States’ sanctions on Venezuela and the rise of Venezuela’s crony capitalism within the context of the nation’s “Long Depression”.
Biden Xi

Imperialism as antagonistic cooperation

Promise Li — Economic interdependence has shown surprising resilience even across rival geopolitical blocs. Existing theories of imperialism fail to fully account for these seemingly contradictory dimensions of today’s world system.
burst balloon

Liminal time: The age of uncertainty

Álvaro García Linera — We are witnessing the slow and melancholic disintegration of the old free market order and the nascent rise of various alternative models, none of which has secured a definitive foothold yet.

Foreign direct investment: The opium for development

Dmitry Pozhidaev — If religion is the opium of the people, FDI is the opium of development: it creates an appearance of development while undermining and restricting development opportunities.
US global capitalism

US empire, global capitalism and the ‘internationalisation’ of states: An interview with Sam Gindin

Sam Gindin discusses the rise of the US empire, its role in creating a truly global capitalism and the challenges it faces today.
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, October 2023.

The ‘multipolar world’: A euphemism to support multiple imperialisms

Frederick Thon Ángeles, Manuel Rodríguez Banchs and Jorge Lefevre Tavárez put forward 18 ideas about the new world order, the dangers of rising inter-imperial conflict, and the need to build an independent pole anchored in the international working class.
Adam Hanieh cartoon

Framing Palestine: Israel, the Gulf states, and US power in the Middle East

Adam Hanieh provides an alternative approach to understanding Palestine – one that is framed by the wider region and the Middle East’s central place in our fossil fuel-centred world.
Biden Xi

We live in a world of growing imperialist rivalries

Ilya Matveev — Vast shifts in the world economy are driving a new imperialist rivalry, for which a series of regional wars are creating dangerous flash points.
geneva lake

The persistence of global capitalism’s Long Depression: An interview with Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts looks at the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization and imperial rivalries.
Tempest cover Dave McNally

Perspectives for socialists in 2024: An interview with David McNally

David McNally looks at current geopolitical dynamics, economic fault lines, labor struggles and perspectives for socialists in 2024.

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