European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine: On arming Ukraine and the struggle against militarism
Lenin on Serbia’s role in World War I: A useful analogy for the current Ukraine war?
Opposing Finland’s Thatcherist turn
Ukrainians and Palestinians are fighting occupation
How to understand Russia’s imperialist attitude toward Ukraine
Turkey: ‘The absence of rules is the fundamental character of the regime’
Masis Kürkçügil explains how Erdoğan’s Turkey is seeking to carve out a path between the Western bloc and the West in order to build a second-rate imperialism. But this is not without difficulty in the context of exacerbated contradictions between the great powers.
Priming the Philippines for a ‘globalized NATO’
Russia, NATO and inter-imperialist rivalry
Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
A momentous development has drawn my attention away from the unfolding climate catastrophe on which I have been riveted.