Serbian soldiers

Lenin on Serbia’s role in World War I: A useful analogy for the current Ukraine war?

Michael Pröbsting looks at Lenin’s actual position on the defence of Serbia in World War I and why it is wrong to apply it to the Ukraine War today.
Finland Left Alliance NATO

‘We Could Not Provide Any Credible Alternatives to NATO’: Interview With Finnish Left Alliance’s Henrik Jaakkola

Oleksandr Kyselov interviews Henrik Jaakkola, of Finland's Vasemmistoliitto/Vänsterförbundet (Left Alliance)

Opposing Finland’s Thatcherist turn

Li Andersson, leader of the Finnish Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance), talks about her party’s priorities in this super election year.
Frederikke Hellemann

Frederikke Hellemann (Red-Green Alliance, Denmark): ‘What we have tried to do is to go back to our roots’

Red-Green Alliance candidate Frederikke Hellemann on the challenges facing the Danish Left in 2024.

Ukrainians and Palestinians are fighting occupation

Terrell Starr speaks with Rita Adel and Vladyslav Starodubtsev about why they feel it is important for Ukrainians to understand colonialism in other parts of the world.
Ukraine Palestine occupation is a crime

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires (plus: No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world)

Simon Pirani — What can we, in the labour and social movements, do about these two conflicts that are transforming the world we live in, and heightening fears of bigger, bloodier wars?
Kremlin Moscow

How to understand Russia’s imperialist attitude toward Ukraine

Hanna Perekhoda analyzes construction of Russian imperialist imagery of Ukraine, rooted in the Russian ruling elite’s drive to maintain its power.
Turkey Palestine

Turkey: ‘The absence of rules is the fundamental character of the regime’

Masis Kürkçügil explains how Erdoğan’s Turkey is seeking to carve out a path between the Western bloc and the West in order to build a second-rate imperialism. But this is not without difficulty in the context of exacerbated contradictions between the great powers.


Priming the Philippines for a ‘globalized NATO’

Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO which seeks to expand to the Asia-Pacific region in its imperial contest with China.
Russia NATO

Russia, NATO and inter-imperialist rivalry

Chris Slee — Dave Holmes argues “Russia is most decidedly defending itself from an existential threat from the US-NATO bloc” while approvingly quoting Scott Ritter’s assertions that “NATO is a paper tiger”. So which is it?
Russian invasion

Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

A momentous development has drawn my attention away from the unfolding climate catastrophe on which I have been riveted.

Munich rally

European Left leaders on Ukraine: Not even a hint of solidarity

Murray Smith — Throughout history, solidarity has helped achieve the only possible acceptable peace — one guaranteeing defeat of the aggressor and the victim to live free of the threat of renewed assault. That must be the goal of the European Left in relation to Ukraine.