
capital flows

Surplus profits, capital exports and imperialism: An interrogation of commonly held beliefs and assumptions

James Doughney interrogates some commonly held beliefs and assumptions about monopoly capital, surplus profits and the export of capital — and explains why they are not coherent.
artwork TNI

In search of alternatives: Strategies for social movements to counter imperialism and authoritarianism

Iqra Anugrah — The rise of potential state challengers to US dominance does not mean the ushering in of a new progressive era, but it can represent opportunities for social movements to challenge Western imperialism.
Southeast Asian Sea

Asserting a Philippine foreign policy of cooperative peace for the Southeast Asian Sea

Rasti Delizo — The geostrategic rivalry between the US and China sharply rages on throughout the Eastern Hemisphere, impinging on the littoral states around the Southeast Asian Sea.
spheres of influence cartoon

Imperialism: ‘Antagonistic cooperation’ or antagonistic contradictions? A reply to Promise Li

Michael Pröbsting — Imperialism today is not a system characterised by “antagonistic cooperation” but rather by antagonistic contradictions.
Lenin imperialism export capitals

The place of capital exports in Lenin’s conception of imperialism — A response to John Bellamy Foster

James Doughney — It is hard to avoid thinking that any attempt to airbrush Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ is a form of avoidance behaviour in the face of awkward but stubborn facts.
Syrian's celebrating

Syria, geopolitics and the left

Santiago Alba Rico — The role and bias of this geopolitical obsession becomes very clear as soon as one compares the different attitudes toward Palestine and Syria.
Serbian election protests

Serbia in 2024: A mirror on capitalism’s global crises

Dmitry Pozhidaev — In 2024, Serbia offered a particularly clear reflection of the three core dimensions of capitalism’s crisis: political, economic and systemic.
Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro meets with China's President Xi Jinping in Beijing in September 2023

Some clarity on imperialism and anti-imperialism today — A response to Steve Ellner

Greg Godels argues that the road to defeating imperial aggression — US or any other — is to win the working class to the fight with a class-oriented program that attacks the roots of imperialism: capitalism.
Vietnam Algeria Palestine

Vietnam, Algeria, Palestine: Passing on the torch of the anti-colonial struggle

Hamza Hamouchene explores the impact of Vietnam and Algeria on Palestinian resistance, shedding light on their shared struggle against colonial oppression and continuing inspiration to the world.
US empire cracking

Age of ‘Empire’ or age of imperialism? A reply to Claudio Katz

Michael Pröbsting — Contrary to Claudio Katz’s claims that world capitalism is domination of a single US-led “Empire”, it continues to be characterised by inter-imperialist rivalry.
Imperial chessboard

Building international solidarity against imperial rivalry: An interview with Ashley Smith about the rise of capitalist China

Ashley Smith explores the practical implications of the rise of China for socialists and activists fighting for a better and more just world today.
Protest at COP29 in Azerbaijan, November 2024

Caucasus Feminist Anti-War Movement: Against Azerbaijan’s authoritarianism, COP29, green capitalism, wars and the regional slide into authoritarianism

Caucasus Feminist Anti-War Movement is an emerging movement of feminist and anti-war/peace activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.