
Biden Xi

We live in a world of growing imperialist rivalries

Ilya Matveev — Vast shifts in the world economy are driving a new imperialist rivalry, for which a series of regional wars are creating dangerous flash points.
Boris Kagarlitsky Long Retreat

War, fascism and revolution: Boris Kagarlitsky on why Putin’s Russia invaded Ukraine

The following is a chapter from Russian anti-war Marxist Boris Kagarlitsky’s forthcoming book, “The Long Retreat: Strategies to Reverse the Decline of the Left”.

The Global South has become the focus of inter-imperialist rivalry

Michael Pröbsting — We have entered a historic period where several imperialist Great Powers are rivalling for hegemony. This development is accelerating global instability, wars and economic crisis.
United States: Political repression backfires as pro-Palestinian campus protests grow

United States: Political repression backfires as pro-Palestinian campus protests grow (plus: Open letter from US Students for Justice in Palestine to universities)

Sharon Smith — There is nothing like a war to expose the brutality of imperialism, and a massive anti-imperialist movement has returned to U.S. campuses, after decades of absence.
Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel: Climate, energy and natural resources

Jason Hickel — Ecological breakdown is being driven by the capitalist economic system, and – like capitalism itself – is strongly characterized by colonial dynamics.
new imperial order

Prelude to a new imperial order?

Todd Gordon & Jeffery R Webber — The immediacy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine alongside the emergence of China as a potential global power has changed the debate on imperialism.
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Michael Roberts: Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism

Michael Roberts — Imperialism can be quantified in economic terms: it is the persistent transfer of surplus value to the rich countries from the poorest countries of the world. This process developed some 150 years or so ago and remains. 
Boris Lenin

Boris Kagarlitsky: Again on Lenin

In his latest letter from a Russian prison, Boris Kagarlitsky addresses why should we, in 2024, find Lenin interesting.
Ukraine Palestine interview

‘I stand on the side of the oppressed, whoever they are’: Interview with Palestinian-Ukrainian activist Adib Shaheen

Adib Shaheen explains how the struggle for a just future and the support of peoples resisting aggression and repression are the same struggle.
geneva lake

The persistence of global capitalism’s Long Depression: An interview with Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts looks at the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization and imperial rivalries.

Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?

Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.