
Putin’s hybrid nuclear war on Ukraine
Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl: reality and unreality

South Africa: Renewable energy or irradiation and gas fracking?

South Africans protest against frac

South Africa's massive new Medupi coal-fired power plant under construction.
Fidel Castro: The duty to avoid a war in Korea

"Now that [the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] has
Cuba: The legacy of the October 1962 Missile Crisis

By Ike Nahem

More than 20,000 villagers protest at the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant on September 9, 2012. Photos from Countercurrents. More photos below.
Neeraj Jain interviewed by B. Skanthakumar
October 5, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The anti-nuclear peoples’ movement in India has been gathering momentum in recent years. The courageous struggle of women, men and children of Idinthakarai village in South India, who are resisting the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, and are under siege by state security forces – with more than 56,000 of whom have been falsely charged, including 6000 for the offence of “sedition”, and 53 imprisoned – has highlighted the people’s movement against nuclear energy.