
Germany’s Die Linke: Another way of doing politics
Boris Kanzleiter — Die Linke’s successful campaign in East Berlin epitomizes the changes sweeping through the party.

Building up Germany’s Die Linke after the election
Thomas Goes — Die Linke has staged an impressive comeback, but even more is possible. Through anti-fascist and ecological class politics, it can become the strongest left-of-centre party.

Spain: From opposing US imperialism to defending the Putin-Trump pact
Alfons Bech — Some political twists and turns might seem implausible. But they can happen and quickly. Such is the case with those who went from defending Putin’s war to defending Trump as a “peacemaker”.

The split and challenges facing the European left: An interview with Marga Ferré (transform! europe)
Marga Ferré shares her insights on the ideological and structural dynamics shaping the left across Europe.

Britain: Resisting Faragism means rescuing the Good Life
Jonas Marvin looks at what it will take to escape Faragism’s magnetic force field.

Is Serbia’s student protest movement at an impasse?
Dmitry Pozhidaev — Unless the student protests in Serbia transform into a larger popular movement, they will gradually dissipate without leaving a lasting impact.

To defeat the far-right surge in Germany, socialists must defend democracy
Thomas Goes — Building a broad, cross-party front is crucial to defeating the far-right surge in Germany.

Beyond protest: Can Serbia’s student movement spark a political breakthrough?
Dmitry Pozhidaev — The student protests are significant in that they expose and deepen the fractures within Serbian capitalism, potentially laying the groundwork for more profound political shifts in the future.

European conservatives are at an inflection point
Natascha Strobl — Moving away from its historic role, conservatism is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from the far right.