latin america
Venezuela’s presidential elections: Maduro plays hardball but there are drawbacks
Steve Ellner lays down the political stakes and US meddling ahead of Venezuela's electoral race.
Panamanian socialist: ‘Mineral extraction must be suspended immediately’
José Cambra recounts how popular mobilization defeated an anti-environmental policy in Panama.
Guillaume Long: Chaos in Ecuador
Guillaume Long — Ecuador is swiftly becoming the new frontline of the failed US War on Drugs. It may take years or even decades for the country to rebuild a state that can guarantee peace and security for its people.
Ecuador on the brink of the abyss
Revolutionary Movement of Workers — An immense wave of violence has been unleashed throughout the country. Ecuador is going through a moment of very deep crisis, perhaps the most serious in its history.
Socialist Left Movement (Brazil): 8th national conference — An important step forward
Bruno Magalhâes & Israel Dutra — The conference represented a new milestone for the Socialist Left Movement amid Brazil’s current challenges.
Venezuela: The problem with the representation of the majority
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the realignment of forces following the Barbados agreement and the lack of representation of the disaffiliated popular masses in Venezuela.