Rodrigo Duterte

Marcos Jr Duterte

Marcos Jr versus Duterte: Behind the clash between the Philippines’ two main dynasties

Sonny Melencio — The confrontation between the Marcos Jr and Duterte camp is not just a clash between two powerful political dynasties.

'Trust me, I am the one who will drain the swamp': An interview with Walden Bello on fascism in the Global South

By Wolfram Schaffar July 18, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies — Since the election of Narendra Modi in India in 2014 and Donald Trump in the USA in 2016, political analysts and commentators around the globe have increasingly used the concept of fascism to capture the rise of new right-wing authoritarianism in various countries.

The Philippines: On the frontline of Duterte’s ‘war on drugs’

In its first year in operation, Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte’s ‘war on drugs’ has cost more than 13,000 lives and left the country mired in a human rights crisis. One of the organisations at the forefront of opposing Duterte’s war is In Defence of Human Rights and Dignity Movement, iDefend, a coalition of more than 50 human right and grassroots organisations. Peter Boyle spoke to iDefend spokesperson Ellecer “Budit” Carlos about the situation.

Filipinas: Los 100 días de la presidencia Duterte y las tareas de la izquierda

[Original in English here.] Por Sonny Melencio, traducido por Enrique García para Sin Permiso

100 days of the Duterte presidency: the present tactical period and our tasks

By Sonny Melencio October 3, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masa -- This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

Filipinas: Las contradicciones del régimen Duterte

[Original in English here] Por Sonny Melencio, traducido para Sin Permiso por Enrique García