Britain: Landmark demonstration against the war in Afghanistan
Tariq Ali addresses the October 24 protest in London. More videos of the speeches below.
By Robin Beste
October 25, 2009 – Stop the War Coalition UK – Stop the War's demonstration on October 24 brought the centre of London to a standstill. It was a landmark demonstration, led by Lance Corporal Joe Glenton – the first serving soldier in the British army to join an anti-war march.
The march brought together at least 10,000 protesters from across Britain, calling for all British troops to be brought home. Joining Joe Glenton at its head were ex-soldiers, a number of military family members -- including Peter Brierley, who earlier this month refused to shake former Labour PM Tony Blair's hand, saying it had "my son's blood on it" – and 104-year-old peace campaigner Hetty Bower.
The march took place on the day that a new poll showed that almost two-thirds of people in Britain want all British troops withdrawn from Afghanistan and 86 per cent believe the war is being lost.
Joe Glenton is facing court martial for refusing to return to Afghanistan. He defied a direct order from his commanding officer to come on the march, for which he may well face further charges.

Joe Glenton, Clare Glenton and 104-year-old Hetty Bower
He told the demonstrators: "I expected to go to war but I also expected that the need to defend this country's interests would be legal and justifiable. I don't think this is too much to ask. It's now apparent that the conflict is neither of these and that's why I must make this stand. It is distressing to disobey orders, but when Britain follows America in continuing to wage war against one of the world's poorest countries, I feel I have no choice.
"Politicians have abused the trust of the army and the soldiers who serve, that's why I am compelled and proud to march with the Stop The War Coalition today"'
Joe's views were supported by ex-soldier Paul McGurk, who left the army last month, after serving in Afghanistan made him realise the war was unjustied. "I think it's ridiculous that we're there," Paul told ITN News, when interviewed on the march. "I think the government should stop pretending that it's a just war and it's worth the lives of our guys. The government should stop saying it's a winnable war because everyone knows it's not. We should just leave, and that's why I'm here today."
Peter Brierley – whose son Lance Corporal Shaun Brierley was killed in Iraq and who made the headlines worldwide when he refused to shake Tony Blair's hand – said, "When you actually look at what's happening, it's exactly the same as in Iraq. Civilians are being killed, British soldiers are being killed and the country is being ruined. They shouldn't be there. The people don't want them there."
Lindsey German, convenor of Stop the War Coalition.
Jeremy Corbyn Labour MP, vice-chairperson of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said: “The war in Afghanistan has no clear war aims, is clearly escalating and spinning out of control and can only impact on Pakistan and the whole of South Asia. NATO forces have been in Afghanistan for eight years and the result is increased drug production, high levels of corruption and terrible losses of life on all sides, civilian and military. Now is the time to change policy and bring the troops home to prevent a Vietnam-style quagmire.''
Tariq Ali, another speaker at the rally, challenged the British government or any politician to debate with Stop the War why Britain is fighting a war opposed by most people in Britain and in virtually every country round the world.
The country's oldest anti-war demonstrator, 104-year-old Hetty Bowyer, marched every step from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square, where she told the crowd: “I march because I can see no reason for further killing. I have walked on every march against us going to war. At my age there is not very much I can do but while my legs can carry me I am going to march.''
George Galloway, Respect.
freinds come for peace and say good bye to war!
Realy appricaite that You guys assembled there for peace and protesting to build up pressure on your government to pull out soldiers from afghanistan.freinds Let's reiterate for something wothwhile for us and for generation to come. I think the role of writers, intelectuals and inteligencia and youth can make the real diffrence and mobilise more people to be part of this worthwhile cause. Let's reiterate that there is no war, there is no enemy, there is no unrest, there is no bloodshed. Life is no more burden for humanity, no wounds, no suffuring. Let's march to sustain peace!
Love you all
As an Australian whose
As an Australian whose government has done whatever the Americans want since WW2, we the people are in the majority against the war.
However very few are actually protesting on the streets even though we had one of Australias largest protest ever before the bombing of Iraq.
We are heartened by the turnout there in the UK.
However we know what the true reason for these wars are. To surround Iran on every side, and to gain strategic control of the regions oil resources. For this reason, there is NO exit strategy because the troops are there to stay. Its all lies smoke and mirrors and they are not going to admit publicly the truth of such base ambitions
london rally
sista's an bratha's
want to just holla out to u folks that our small group, 'lil tokyo 4 peace' here in los angeles in the belly of the beast, take great notice and attention that 10,000 people came out to rally for peace, thank you. i can't tell u how much that energizes me. for us in this war mongering monster, our cry must become, 'bring all the troops home now! from all over the world!
imperialism is a human rights violation, stop the atrocities.
thanks again for your inspiration to the rest of us. all power to the people!
aluta continua/kokoro kara yo bro mo
British soldier arrested for speaking out against the Afghan war
By Chris Nineham
Stop the War Coalition
10 November 2009
Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, the soldier who faces desertion charges for refusing to return to Afghanistan, has been arrested and charged with five further offences for speaking out in opposition to the presence of troops in Afghanistan.
The charges allege that he led the Stop the War demonstration in London on 24 October and that he has spoken to the press in defiance of orders. The new charges carry a maximum of ten years imprisonment in addition to the sentence of three to four years that Joe could get if the desertion charge is upheld.
The army commanders are clearly worried by Joe’s determination to explain his stance against the war in Afghanistan. Following his presence on the anti-war demonstration many of his fellow soldiers told him they agreed with what he was doing.
Lance Corporal Glenton remains determined in his opposition to the war in Afghanistan, notwithstanding the attempts to silence him. Stop the War will be campaigning for Joe's immediate release and an end to attempts to curtail his freedom of speech.
"This is not about breach of military regulations," said Stop the War convenor Lindsey German. "In the last few days a range of military personnel have been speaking in the media in defence of this appalling war. I doubt any of them have been arrested. This is about the persecution of a soldier who believes in telling the truth in accordance with his conscience. He is saying what the majority of the population believe; this war is unwinnable and immoral. The anti-war movement will be doing everything possible to get Joe released."
Defend Lance Corporal Joe Glenton
Emergency Protest: Thursday 12 November, 5pm, Ministry Of Defence, Whitehall
Email: Secretary of State for Defence Bob Ainsworth: defencesecretary@mod.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or ainsworthr@parliament.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view itWrite: Secretary of State for Defence, Floor 5, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB • FAX: 020 7218 6538
Petition: Download the Defend Joe Glenton petition...
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