Fifth Socialist International -- Time for definitions; Hora de definiciones

Luis Bilbao, translated by Janet Duckworth for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
February 2, 2010 – The first step has been taken. It has extraordinary strategic implications. It will shake up the left and right, the West and the East. It will blow in like a whirlwind through every political organisation, trade union or social, in every corner of the planet. On the evening of November 20, 2009, the day before the opening of the first extraordinary PSUV [United Socialist Party of Venezuela] congress, a feeling of vertigo swept over tens of thousands of people who heard Hugo Chávez, either on TV or on the internet, speak before delegates of parties from 30 or so countries, and launch a proposal that was as long desired as it was unexpected: to set to work to build the Fifth Socialist International.
The president of an ongoing revolution made this call. Representatives of others who are facing the same responsibilities in Bolivia, Ecuador and Honduras supported him immediately; those who are at the brutal beginning of the transition and those who aspire, feet firmly planted on the ground, to start the journey.
The vertigo is understandable. A cycle that transformed the world was completed in one year, transformed it to such an extent that few are aware of the new reality but continue to act within the parameters of the past. First came the collapse of the global financial architecture, which put on public display the unavoidable truth of the death crisis of capitalism. Then the US picked up the pace of its march down the road of war. Now the strategic response: a new international.
The time for definitions has arrived. Nothing is more surprising than something for which we have hoped for so long. Most of those who heard Chavez in the Humboldt Hotel perched on the peak of the Waraira Repano hill (by the way, nationalised and refitted by the revolutionary government) leapt up like a spring that had been held down and then suddenly released by a magic word: this spontaneous ovation full of amazement and pleasure was the most eloquent proof of support which more than anything is a response to a need long felt but rarely expressed.
Getting out of the historical brackets
If the first step took real strength, clarity and daring, the next steps make even greater demands. Although in the past every international socialist organisation was founded amidst great debates and ideological confrontations, the motley crew of factions which all over the world today call themselves “left” shows an unprecedented degree of ideological confusion and political diversity. It will be a difficult job to bring them together, to give them structure and a route map. Ever since the defeat of the Paris Commune destroyed the First International, at every turn, along with the victories and defeats, huge numbers of militants ended up assimilating into the system which they originally fought against. Moreover, on the other side of the barricades, capital has gained an infinite amount of experience and powerful tentacles ready for action. Reformism is a constant. There is more however: apart form the reformist excuses, the unknown problems that have to be solved are huge and would test any oracle.
1. What ideological and programmatic definitions will shape the Fifth Socialist International?
2. What organisations will join together to create it? What relationship will there be between the big groupings with governmental responsibilities and the other parties or revolutionary groupings?
3. What structure will the international organisation adopt, how will its leaders be chosen and how will it figure on the national scene?
4. How will the international working class be incorporated into this multifaceted group, since today it has neither the vigour nor the consciousness necessary? We have defended clear positions on these subjects.
Breaking with the traditions of this column, we are going to cite one of our own texts, published in the journal Critica in October 2007.
Conceptual bases
Throughout history there have been, conceptually and in practice, four anti-capitalist international organisations. The First International, in whose foundation Karl Marx and Frederich Engels were key figures, brought together various anti-capitalist revolutionary currents. It was the direct result of a push by the workers themselves in struggle against the system in Europe; the two principal currents were those which would shortly become known as Marxists and Anarchists.
The Second International, defined as social democratic (with the meaning that this word had at that time, not the same as the one it has today) was based on the great mass socialist workers’ parties which, at the time, had been formed in all of Europe, in the United States and in several Latin American countries.
The Third International, founded by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, defined itself as communist, counterposing itself to the social democrats, who by then were identified by their positions of subordination to the interests the bourgeoisie of every country. Those supporting this international had been members of the mass social-democratic parties all of whom split, paving the way for the emergence of the communist parties, which founded this Third International.
The Fourth International, in reality, never became a truly international organisation deeply rooted in the working class. It was born as a result of the Stalinist degeneration of the Soviet Union and the extension of this collapse to the organisation, program and policies of the Third International from its Fifth Congress onwards. Its base of support was the Left Opposition in the Soviet Union and its expression in the different communist parties across the world. It later took the name of its principal promoter, Leon Trotsky, who was assassinated in 1940, with the organisation in turn degenerating, giving rise to innumerable organisations, almost always sectarian and minuscule.
Today, because of objective and subjective reasons – laid out over the years in these pages, and which will not be developed in this article – an international organisation cannot hope to have the ideological homogeneity that the Second, Third and Fourth internationals had. On the contrary, its heterogeneous nature will far surpass that of the First International, apart from the fact that it will not result from the conscious and organised impetus of a workers’ vanguard with backing from the masses.
What will determine support for such a heterogeneous organisation will be an explicit decision to struggle against imperialism and for socialism of the 21st century, and its starting point will be the unknown elements and ambiguities that this definition implies.
This ideological heterogeneity will be matched by an organisational criterion that, although binding in terms of general strategy on each member party or organisation, will allow the participation of several organisations in the same country and will not give rise to unanimous criteria for political activity.
Nevertheless, the Fifth International cannot be subsumed under the concept of a united front. It is closer to the criteria of a mass party, with ideological heterogeneity and political homogeneity on central questions regarding hemispheric strategy, and with all the flexibility that this requires, given differences in participation in each country.
This contradiction will be resolved in favour of cohesion, political homogeneity and international consistency through the body of the international leadership, which could only be made up of representatives of parties from those countries where no more than one recognised organisation exists.
The organisation of a revolutionary international with these characteristics, far from being a distant perspective is an immediate necessity. Defence of the revolutionary processes underway in Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador cannot be postponed, nor can efforts towards rebuilding revolutionary social forces in the rest of the countries in the region.
It seems unnecessary to stress this: there is no way of achieving an ideological identity and at the same time acting as a centre of social and political unity in any country, much less so on an international level. So that the Fifth International will be necessarily different from the three previous ones and similar in terms of internal diversity to the First International, and will go even further than the First and will include numerous differentiated groupings from the same current. Multiple Marxist, Christian, nationalist definitions will find their meeting point in revolutionary determination and the willingness necessary to confront imperialism and national bourgeoisies. It goes without saying that this will leave a lot out; but will at the same time include huge diversity; a force that will be extremely powerful from the outset, and with the possibility of growing geometrically.
Inertia and centrifugal forces
Although it was a surprise, Chávez’s decision was not a last-minute whim. In his August 25, 2007, speech, when the PSUV was just beginning to be built, Chávez said to the promoters who were to give birth to the Bolivarian Revolution’s mass party, that 2008 would be the right moment to “convene a meeting of Latin American left parties and organise some sort of International, an organisation of Latin American and Caribbean left parties and movements”. He went on to say: “There is a renaissance of the of the peoples’ consciousness; the movement, leaders and collective leaderships of a new left, of a new project must continue to grow.” The paradox is that while this renaissance was happening in society’s foundations, its political organisations rarely express it and never feed or lead it.
To a certain extent this was clearly shown in the salon of the hotel on the summit of Waraira Repano when Chávez made his proclamation: side by side with those who jumped for liberating joy, there were some worried faces. There were even some, who, having had advanced warning, absented themselves rather than be obliged to show what they really felt. Even wiser were those parties who were absent from the meeting.
And what about the other flank, the infantile-disorderists who were not present in the room but stunned by the challenge? The inertia of structures and cadres committed to various bodies of the capitalist state is combined with the centrifugal force transmitted to important parts of the spontaneous vanguard in the mass movement by groupings which far from having a coherent theory, brandish the name of Marx, Lenin or Trotsky about and assume positions using the simple technique of repeating obvious generalities to position themselves 45 degrees to the left of any political phenomenon that appears on the scene.
Protecting ourselves from the latter while at the same time incorporating the healthy parts of these objective phenomena will be a not unimportant task on the agenda of the Fifth International. It will require an enormous organisational and theoretical effort and an uncommonly able political leadership. Caught between the pincers of reformism and infantile-disorderism, millions are once again taking up strategic banners surrounded by another glaring paradox: action not only precedes theory but outstrips it by so much that effectively linking theory to facts is unfeasible. Pragmatism, therefore, raises it head as a third threat, hunkered down in the very ranks. The idea of the Fifth International is already taking flight from this very complicated launching pad.
The plan suggests holding a founding congress in April, to coincide with the culmination of the PSUV’s long extraordinary congress process. And as if anything more was needed to make this an even more momentous historic event, Chávez invited Fidel Castro to the PSUV congress. A few hours after this, he paid an unannounced visit to Cuba where he met with Fidel for seven hours and another five with Raúl Castro, he told people about afterwards. As has been said, time is speeding up, it’s time for definitions.
What lies ahead?
But … what power is this that shortens time and makes peremptory demands? The question could only come from those who have not comprehended the magnitude and meaning of the dramatic changes that have happened in this past year. The capitalist system has entered into the most all-encompassing, deepest crisis in its history. Far from getting back on its feet in the last few months, the cost of a pseudo recovery is making things even worse. It is only a question of time (and not very much) before even bigger crashes than those of 2008 begin. Moreover, it will not be possible to alleviate these even temporarily – because they will affect the spheres of production and trade – by throwing piles of fictitious money at them as was done a year ago. This is just part of what is new; the other part, visible to all who do not cover their eyes, is that Washington has gone to war.
The idea that Washington is bogged down in the Middle East and therefore cannot get involved in any more wars is not only somewhat simplistic, it ignores the fact that when they are in mortal danger, wild animals do not weigh up the dangers. To attribute rationality to the way capitalism has acted historically stems from philosophical idealism or from saying no because of being mortally afraid of what has to be confronted. However, there is no way to hide it: a Democrat party president, educated, shrewd, with a history of being progressive, and Afro-American to boot, is a tool of the imperial machinery and is taking war to the whole world.
He just now sent 35,000 soldiers more to Afghanistan, while his secretary of state is setting the stage for military attacks on Iran and South America. Barack Obama, the new Peace Nobel laureate, is setting up military bases in Colombia, where the US Navy’s Fourth Fleet already reigns. He carried out and sustains the coup in Honduras.
Understand this: the aim of sending 35,000 more soldiers to Afghanistan is to get this war – which has already spread to Pakistan and has landed the empire in a swamp – over with quickly; getting it over with quickly means massacring hundreds of thousands of human beings more efficiently.
However this is not the most serious aspect but it is overwhelming proof that Washington and its Nobel Prize winner are feeling the urgency. In Afghanistan or anywhere else, where it seems that the military objective cannot be achieved by sending more soldiers, the use of atomic weapons, tactical or otherwise, is not ruled out. Moreover, one would have to be willingly blind and deaf to deny that the confrontation has already taken on the character of a world war in the sphere of communications. In a premeditated way, united as never before in history, the commercial press, all over the world, with almost no exceptions, has sunk to a campaign of lies, distortions and manipulations that are unprecedented in its ignominious history.
Why did Israel’s president Shimon Peres come to South America if not to proclaim, in Buenos Aires and completely brazenly, that “Chávez and [Iran’s] Ahmadinejad will disappear in the next few months”? What affect would Chávez’ assassination have on Latin America? What would happen in the Middle and Far East if Ahmadinejad was eliminated? Why has Zionism and all its communicational paraphernalia allowed itself to be used for such provocation, even involving the Jewish communities in our countries?
It is essential to analyse carefully ... Fidel Castro’s Reflection, extracts from Chávez’s speech and the Caracas Commitment. There is no way to avoid the answer: beset by the death crisis which is demolishing its columns, imperialism has set off down the road to war.
However, this obvious conclusion is not now the most important piece of information about global reality. It is not the slightest exaggeration to say that the most import nucleus is the decision to found a new international, because imperialism’s bellicose madness can only be brought to a halt by hundreds of millions, maybe thousands of millions, of people all over the world who, conscious and organised, take up this task. Up until now building this kind of unifying organisation on this scale was not even raised as a strategy.
Thousands of initiatives with humanitarian and positive aspects have striven and are striving avoid the only possible answer to the crisis of capitalism. Let the cadres of big reformist organisations, political or trade union, consider it carefully: let the battle-hardened groups, battle hardened but locked into tiny marginal circles, consider it carefully; let the intellectuals given to the comforts of power consider it carefully; let everyone consider it carefully before refusing to be a part of this task that is of such importance to humanity: stopping capitalist madness. This aim can be summed up today in a single slogan: Build the Fifth International.
[Luis Bilbao is an Argentinean Marxist and is founding editor of the Latin American magazine America XXI. This article was initially published in America XXI, No 56, December 2009-January 2010 edition.]
Hora de definiciones
Por Luis Bilbao
El primer paso está dado. Tiene un alcance estratégico fuera de lo común. Sacudirá derechas e izquierdas, a Oriente y Occidente. Entrará como tromba en cada organización política, sindical o social, en cada lugar del planeta. Una sensación de vértigo atrapó a decenas de miles de hombres y mujeres que por televisión o internet escuchaban a Hugo Chávez en la noche del 20 de noviembre, víspera de la inauguración del Primer Congreso extraordinario del Psuv, cuando ante delegados de partidos de una treintena de países, presentó una propuesta tan esperada como imprevista: poner manos a la obra para edificar la Vª Internacional. Lo dijo el Presidente de una revolución en marcha. Y lo apoyaron de inmediato los representantes de otros tantos que afrontan la misma responsabilidad en Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras. Los que están en el crudelísimo inicio de la transición y los que aspiran, con tierra bajo los pies, a comenzar el recorrido. Es explicable el vértigo. En un año quedó completado un ciclo que transformó al mundo, a tal punto que pocos tienen conciencia plena de la nueva realidad y continúan actuando con los parámetros del pasado. Primero fue el derrumbe de la arquitectura financiera mundial, colocando a la vista de todos la realidad insoslayable de una crisis agónica del capitalismo. Luego la aceleración estadounidense por el camino de la guerra. Ahora la respuesta estratégica: una nueva Internacional. Ha llegado la hora de las definiciones. Nada sorprende más que lo esperado durante mucho tiempo. El grueso de quienes escuchaban a Chávez en el hotel Humboldt alzado en la cima del cerro Waraira Repano (por caso, nacionalizado y refaccionado por el gobierno revolucionario) saltó como resorte oprimido al que libera de pronto la palabra mágica: una ovación espontánea, cargada de asombro y complacencia, manifestó del modo más elocuente un respaldo que antes de todo responde a una necesidad siempre sentida, casi nunca expresada.
Salir del paréntesis histórico
Si el primer paso requería fuerza real, lucidez y osadía, los siguientes plantean exigencias aún mayores. Aunque la creación de cada Internacional ocurrió en el pasado en medio de grandes debates y confrontaciones ideológicas, el abigarrado conjunto de fracciones que a escala mundial se define como izquierda muestra hoy un grado de confusión ideológica y diversidad política sin precedentes. Será tarea difícil aunarla, darle organicidad y dirección de marcha. Desde que la derrota de la Comuna de París destruyó la Iª Internacional, en cada paso, a la par de victorias y derrotas, grandes contingentes concluyeron asimilándose al sistema al cual originalmente combatieron. Además, al otro lado de la barricada, el capital acumuló infinita experiencia y poderosos tentáculos listos para la acción. El reformismo es una constante. Pero hay más: aparte las excusas reformistas, las incógnitas a resolver son inmensas y a prueba de oráculos: 1.¿Qué definiciones ideológicas y programáticas trazarán el contorno de la Vª Internacional? 2.¿Qué organizaciones concurrirán a su formación? ¿Qué relación habrá entre las grandes formaciones con responsabilidades gubernamentales y los demás partidos o agrupamientos revolucionarios? 3.¿Qué estructura adoptará la organización internacional, cómo se seleccionarán sus dirigentes y cómo se expresará en el plano nacional? 4.¿Cómo se integrará a este conjunto multifacético la clase obrera mundial, que hoy no cuenta en lugar alguno con el vigor y la conciencia imprescindibles? Hemos defendido posiciones netas respecto de estos temas. Rompiendo una tradición de esta columna, vamos a citar un texto propio, publicado en la revista Crítica en octubre de 2007: “En la historia ha habido, conceptual y realmente, cuatro organizaciones internacionales anticapitalistas. La Iª, en cuya fundación fueron figuras clave Marx y Engels, agregaba diferentes corrientes revolucionarias anticapitalistas. Surgió directamente del impulso de los propios obreros en lucha contra el sistema en Europa; las dos corrientes principales eran las que a poco andar se denominarían marxista y anarquista. La IIª, definida como socialdemócrata (con el sentido que tenía por entonces esa palabra, inverso al actual), se apoyaba en grandes partidos socialistas obreros de masas que para ese entonces se habían conformado en toda Europa, en Estados Unidos y en varios países latinoamericanos. La IIIª, fundada por Lenin y Trotsky, se definió como comunista, contraponiéndose al nombre de socialdemócrata, ya para entonces identificado con posiciones de sujeción a los intereses de las burguesías de cada país; su base de sustentación fueron los propios partidos socialdemócratas de masas, todos los cuales se fraccionaron dando lugar a Partidos Comunistas, que fundarían la Internacional con ese nombre. La IVª, en realidad no llegó a ser una verdadera organización internacional con arraigo en la clase trabajadora. Nació como resultado de la degeneración stalinista en la Unión Soviética y la extensión de esa caída a la organización, el programa y la política de la IIIª Internacional a partir de su 5° Congreso. Su base de sustentación fue la Oposición de Izquierda en la Unión Soviética y su proyección en Ppcc de todo el mundo. Luego tomaría el nombre de su principal promotor, León Trotsky. Asesinado éste en 1940, la organización degeneró a su vez, dando lugar a innumerables organizaciones casi invariablemente sectarias y minúsculas. En la actualidad, por razones objetivas y subjetivas una organización internacional no puede pretender la homogeneidad ideológica que originalmente tuvieron la IIª, IIIª y IVª. Por el contrario, en lo que hace a su heterogeneidad superaría largamente a la Iª, aparte de que no resultaría del impulso consciente y organizado de una vanguardia obrera con aval de masas (subrayado ahora). El punto de apoyo de tal organización heterogénea sería la explícita decisión de lucha contra el imperialismo y por el socialismo del siglo XXI, asumiendo como punto de partida las incógnitas y ambigüedades que esa definición supone. Ala heterogeneidad ideológica, le correspondería un criterio organizativo que, obligando en términos de estrategia general a cada partido u organización integrante, permitiría la participación de diferentes organizaciones en un mismo país y no daría lugar a criterios unánimes de accionar político. No obstante, la internacional no podría asimilarse al concepto de Frente. Más próxima al criterio de partido de masas, con heterogeneidad ideológica y homogeneidad política en cuestiones centrales que hagan a una estrategia hemisférica, y con toda la flexibilidad que requieran las diferencias de participación en cada país. Esa contradicción se resolvería a favor de la cohesión, la homogeneidad política y la coherencia internacional a través del órgano de dirección internacional, que sólo podrá estar integrado por representantes de partidos de aquellos países donde no exista más de una organización reconocida. La organización de una internacional revolucionaria con estas características, lejos de ser una perspectiva lejana, es una necesidad inmediata. Defender los procesos revolucionarios en Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua y Ecuador, es tan impostergable como esforzarse por la recomposición de las fuerzas sociales y revolucionarias en los restantes países de la región”. Parece innecesario insistir: no hay manera de procurar identidad ideológica y a la vez actuar como centro de unidad social y política en ningún país, tanto menos a escala mundial. De modo que la Vª Internacional será obligadamente diferente a las tres anteriores y, semejante en punto a diversidad interna con la Iª, irá todavía más allá de aquélla e integrará numerosos agrupamientos diferenciados dentro de cada corriente misma. Las múltiples definiciones marxistas, cristianas, nacionalistas, tendrán su punto de comunión en la determinación revolucionaria y la voluntad consecuente de confrontación con el imperialismo y las burguesías nacionales. Va de suyo que esto dejará mucho por fuera; pero a la vez incluirá una inmensa diversidad. Una fuerza desde el inicio poderosísima, en condiciones de crecer en progresión geométrica.
Inercia y fuerzas centrífugas
Aunque causara sorpresa, esta decisión de Chávez no fue un impulso de último momento. En 2007, al inicio mismo de la construcción del Psuv, en su intervención del 25 de agosto ante los propulsores que darían nacimiento al partido de masas de la Revolución Bolivariana, el presidente venezolano dijo que 2008 sería el momento para “convocar a una reunión de partidos de izquierda de América Latina y organizar una especie de Internacional, una organización de partidos y movimientos de izquierda de América Latina y del Caribe”. Y abundó: “Hay un resurgimiento de la conciencia de los pueblos; deben seguir creciendo los movimientos, líderes y liderazgos de una izquierda nueva, de un proyecto nuevo”. La paradoja es que mientras ese resurgimiento ocurre en los cimientos de la sociedad, sus expresiones políticas raramente lo expresan y en ningún caso lo alientan y conducen. En cierta medida eso quedó plásticamente plasmado en el salón del hotel en la cima del Waraira Repano, cuando Chávez lanzó su proclama: al lado de quienes dieron un salto de liberadora alegría, pudo verse rostros consternados. Y hasta hubo quienes, advertidos a tiempo, se ausentaron antes de verse obligados a exteriorizar su postura. Más sagaces aún, hubo partidos que directamente estuvieron ausentes del encuentro. Y ni qué decir del otro flanco, el infantoizquierdista, ausente en el recinto, atónito ante el desafío. La inercia de estructuras y cuadros adheridos a diferentes instancias del Estado capitalista, se combina con la fuerza centrífuga transmitida a importantes franjas de vanguardia espontánea en el movimiento de masas, por parte de agrupamientos que, ajenos a una teoría consistente, esgrimen el nombre de Marx, Lenin o Trotsky para tomar posición con la sencilla técnica de repetir generalidades obvias y ubicarse 45 grados a la izquierda de cualquier fenómeno político que aparezca. Protegerse de y a la vez incluir a las partes sanas de estos fenómenos objetivos será una tarea no menor en la agenda de la Vª Internacional. Demandará un enorme esfuerzo teórico y organizativo. E impar habilidad para la conducción política. Aprisionado por la tenaza de reformismo e infantoizquierdismo, el renacimiento de la asunción de banderas estratégicas por parte de millones ocurre en medio de otra estridente paradoja: la acción no sólo precede a la teoría, sino que va tan por delante que en los hechos resulta impracticable su entrelazamiento efectivo. El pragmatismo aparece así como una tercera amenaza encastrada en las propias filas. Desde este complejo punto de partida se despliega ya la idea de una Vª Internacional. El plan apunta a la realización del Congreso Fundacional en abril próximo, en coincidencia con la culminación del largo proceso congresal extraordinario del Psuv. Por si faltase algo para darle más entidad a este momento histórico, Chávez invitó al Congreso del Psuv a Fidel Castro. Horas después de ese acto hizo un viaje no anunciado a Cuba, donde se reunió por siete horas con Fidel y otras cinco con Raúl, del que informaría posteriormente. Lo dicho: aceleración de tiempos; hora de definiciones.
Lo que vendrá
Pero... ¿qué poder es ése que acorta plazos y pone exigencias perentorias? La pregunta sólo cabe a quienes no han asimilado la magnitud y el sentido de los cambios vertiginosos ocurridos en el último año. El sistema capitalista ha ingresado en la crisis más abarcadora y profunda de su historia. Lejos de remontarse en los últimos meses, los costos de una pseudo recuperación la agravaron aún más. Es sólo cuestión de tiempo (en ningún caso prolongado) el reinicio de derrumbes mayores a los ocurridos en 2008, que además, porque sucederán en el ámbito de la producción y el comercio, no podrán ser paliados siquiera temporalmente con nuevas montañas de dinero ficticio, como se hizo un año atrás. Eso es sólo una parte de lo nuevo. La otra, visible para todo quien no decida taparse los ojos, es que Estados Unidos se ha lanzado a la guerra. La noción de que Washington está empantanado en Oriente y por ello no podrá emprender nuevas aventuras bélicas no sólo peca de simplista: desconoce que en situación de amenaza mortal un animal salvaje no mide riesgos. Atribuir racionalidad al desempeño histórico del capital es resultado del idealismo filosófico; o de la negativa por el temor cerval a lo que se tiene enfrente. Pero no hay modo de ocultarlo: un Presidente del partido Demócrata, culto, sagaz, con antecedentes progresistas y para mayor abundamiento afroamericano, es el vehículo de la maquinaria imperial y lleva la guerra a todo el mundo. Ahora mismo envía otros 35 mil soldados a Afganistán, mientras su secretaria de Estado teje la trama previa a ataques militares contra Irán y Suramérica. Barack Obama, flamante premio Nobel de la paz, monta bases militares en Colombia, Centroamérica y el Caribe, donde señorea ya la IVª Flota. Realiza y sostiene el golpe en Honduras. Entiéndase bien: el envío de 35 mil soldados más a Afganistán tiene como objeto acabar rápidamente con esa guerra que ya se ha extendido a Paquistán y deja al imperio en una ciénaga. Acabar rápidamente significa masacrar con mayor eficiencia a cientos de miles de seres humanos. Pero eso no es lo más grave: prueba con la contundencia de los hechos que Washington y su premio Nobel están acosados por la urgencia. En Afganistán u otro lugar, donde no esté planteado alcanzar los objetivos militares mandando más soldados, quedará sobre el tapete la utilización de armas atómicas, tácticas o de las otras. Por lo demás, hay que ser voluntariamente ciego y sordo para no admitir que en el terreno de las comunicaciones la confrontación ya ha comenzado con carácter de guerra mundial: de manera alevosa, unificada como nunca antes en la historia, la prensa comercial, en todo el planeta y con apenas alguna excepción, se hunde en una campaña de mentiras, tergiversaciones y manipulación que no tiene precedentes en su ignominiosa trayectoria. ¿Para qué vino el presidente israelí Shimon Peres a América del Sur, sino para anunciar, desde Buenos Aires y con el mayor descaro, que “Chávez y Ahmadinejad desaparecerán en los próximos meses”? ¿Qué efecto tendría sobre América Latina el asesinato de Chávez? ¿Qué seguiría en el Medio y Extremo Oriente si Ahmadinejad fuese ultimado? ¿Y por qué el sionismo, con toda su parafernalia comunicacional, se ha puesto al servicio de tamaña provocación comprometiendo incluso a las comunidades judías de nuestros países? Es preciso analizar con cuidado los textos publicados en esta edición: la reflexión de Fidel Castro, los fragmentos del discurso de Chávez, el Compromiso de Caracas. No hay modo de eludir la respuesta: acosado por la crisis agónica que demuele sus columnas, el imperialismo se ha lanzado por el camino de la guerra. Pero esa conclusión obvia no es ahora el dato más relevante de la realidad mundial. No hay punto de exageración al afirmar que el núcleo de mayor proyección es ya la decisión de fundar una nueva Internacional. Porque la locura guerrerista del imperialismo sólo puede ser detenida por cientos, acaso miles de millones de personas que en todo el planeta abracen la tarea, conscientes y organizados. Hasta ahora siquiera estaba planteada como estrategia la edificación de una instancia unificadora a esa escala. Infinidad de iniciativas con aristas humanitarias y positivas, se empeñaron y continúan empeñándose en eludir la única respuesta posible a la crisis del capitalismo. Que lo piensen bien los cuadros de grandes formaciones reformistas, políticas o sindicales; que lo piensen bien agrupamientos aguerridos pero encerrados en círculos de pequeñez y marginalidad; que lo piensen bien los intelectuales proclives a la comodidad del poder; que los piensen bien todos, antes de negarse a ser parte de esa tarea clave para la humanidad: ponerle freno a la locura capitalista. Ese objetivo resume hoy en una consigna: construir la Vª Internacional.
UK SWP on First International lessons
Socialist Worker 2187, 6 February 2010
International Unity
The First International was forged in struggle
In the first of a new series Dan Swain looks at how socialists have organised for change globally
Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez has called for the formation of a Fifth International to unite socialists around the world.
The previous internationals were places of debate and action, established to strengthen the international socialist movement.
We can learn an enormous amount by studying them.
On 28 September 1864, delegations of workers from different countries met in London to form the International Working Men’s Association. This was later known as the First International.
It was an historic moment uniting working people in a genuinely international organisation.
Uprisings in Poland against the Russian empire provided the spark for its formation.
British workers issued a call to workers in Paris to deliver joint solidarity.
A delegation from France travelled to London. By the time the first meeting was convened large numbers of Polish, German and Italian workers were also present.
The first few years of the international saw some impressive successes.
It won solidarity from British workers for a strike of bronze workers in Paris, which went on to victory.
It was also crucial to defeating attempts by bosses to use scab labour to break the London tailors’ strike in 1866 and the Geneva building workers’ strike in 1868.
Arguments for international solidarity had a strong resonance with workers across Europe.
In 1869 mine owners in Belgium unleashed an attack on working conditions. Workers and their families rose up and were met with vicious repression.
Belgian troops killed or wounded many workers.
The First International organised solidarity meetings and provided legal representation for the arrested miners.
They were acquitted, increasing support for the International.
It was a place of intense debates.
Marx and his supporters were not the only voices. Anarchists, represented mainly by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon from France and the Russian Mikhail Bakunin were one strand.
Utopian Socialism was another. Utopians saw the route to socialism through enlightenment and education.
Robert Owen, one of its key proponents, had established co-operatives and ideal working communities to show how work and society could be organised differently.
Marx argued that while these were good examples, they would not lead to socialism—building isolated communities could never be enough.
“To conquer political power has... become the great duty of the working classes”, he said in his first address to the International.
Many of Marx’s most important political arguments were made in debates with these trends.
The International’s biggest challenge was the Paris Commune in 1871.
War had broken out between France and Prussia. The defeat of France led to the collapse of the government and the declaration of a new republic.
Paris Commune
In Paris workers rose up and declared their own government under the Commune. Marx offered his full support, and his analysis of it is among his most important writings.
His The Civil War in France offers a powerful defence of the Commune and a stark description how far the ruling class would go to crush a revolution.
These events saw socialism condemned internationally, and Marx was labelled the “Red Doctor” by the press.
There was debate within the International itself. Faced with a revolutionary moment, the divisions in the International became increasingly important.
Anarchists and socialists drew very different conclusions.
The English trade unions left the International because of its support for the Commune and the British representatives resigned from its general council.
They argued that change should come through parliament and trade union activity.
With the loss of the British section the divisions between Marx and the anarchists became more intractable.
It led to the eventual dissolution of the International in 1872.
While the International had brought together workers across Europe, the division between reformists and revolutionaries was too much.
It remains a crucial question in debates about building international organisations in the future.