War on Afghanistan: a crime against humanity
Statement by the Socialist Alliance (Australia) national executive
October 8, 2010 – On October 17, 2001 the Australian government deployed troops to Afghanistan, just nine days after the US had begun bombing one of the most poverty-stricken and war-weary countries on Earth.
The then newly formed Socialist Alliance responded to this attack and its reputed catalyst, the terrorist bombings on New York and Washington some weeks earlier, by noting US hypocrisy and pledging to campaign against Bush's “war without end”.
“We are ready to play a part in mobilising the broadest possible opposition to any attempt by US policies and their global allies to use the tragedy as a pretext for military aggression”, we said.
Since then, the Socialist Alliance has maintained its opposition to Australia's commitment to the US-NATO occupation of Afghanistan. We have continued to seek out ways of building community opposition to this (and the Iraq) wars – an opening which could become greater when federal parliament starts its debate.
This October marks the 10th year since the US and its allies, including Australia, invaded Afghanistan. The bombing of the poorest country in the world by some of the richest is a crime against humanity. The rea

Its initial legal justification has been called into question since the US and the UK's use of United Nations Article 51 precludes any self-defence which continues after an attack.
Furthermore, the right of self-defence relates to attacks by other nation states, not criminal activity, such as terrorism.
Despite what Western leaders have claimed, the Taliban regime in Afghanistan did not sponsor the 9/11 attacks. While the al Qaeda leadership was based in Afghanistan, the terrorists who carried out the attacks (none of whom were Afghan) were residents of Germany and the US. Recent reports even suggest that the Taliban may have attempted to warn of the 9/11 attacks and curtail the activities of al Qaeda.
Ironically, the US has engaged in state-sponsored terrorism against Afghanistan since the 1970s. Al Qaeda is a US-created terrorist outfit that went rogue.
Afghanistan has been called "the graveyard of empires". Historically, insurgent groups in Afghanistan have defeated all invaders. The same will happen with the current war – the longest for Australia since Vietnam.
The Taliban is part of the blowback of the Russian war in Afghanistan. Even US secretary of state Hillary Clinton admits it was one of the jihadist groups which, as allies, was “emboldened trained and equipped” and not deemed a security risk to the US or its allies.
Taliban expansion will continue, often with complicity of the people as a result of their increasing disgust with the brutal and corrupt Kabul government, the rising civilian deaths from the US-led forces, particularly though air strikes and their own dispossession and hopelessness.
Al Qaeda’s presence in Afghanistan does not pose as great a threat to the Afghan people as does the suffering caused by the occupiers, or the constant bombings by unmanned predator drones launched from bases in the US.
Al Qaeda has greatly reduced numbers in Afghanistan. In a June interview on US ABC TV, CIA chief Leon Panetta estimated the number of al Qaeda in Afghanistan as “at most … 50-100”.
Insurgent groups continue to form to fight the occupying armies support for the corrupt Hamid Karzai government, lawless warlords and their connection to the venal Pakistani Intelligence Agency. (See the Wikileak Afghanistan War Diaries for more evidence of this.)
The indomitable Revolutionary Association of Women in Afghanistan attribute the current rise in fundamentalism, lawlessness, poverty and rape directly to the occupation. Besieged by extreme weather, in a country whose infrastructure has been smashed by conflict, many Afghan people have few chances of surviving over the age of 43 years.
Apologists for Australian troops remaining in Afghanistan claim they are there to “finish the job”. This, apparently, entails training the Afghan army and police so that it can maintain the corrupt and drug-lord linked government of President Hamid Karzai, which was installed undemocratically by the US and allied invaders. This dubious "job" may never be finished.
The Karzai regime is protected by foreign troops and private mercenaries rather than by the ragged Afghan army or police. These forces are either the private warlord militias (in new uniforms) or people looking for some pay to feed their families. Many desert. Others shoot their “mentors”.
Rosy views of Australia’s involvement as assisting the Afghan people are now being challenged by the September decision to court martial members of Australian Special Operations Task Group for the murder of two adults and four children near the village of Sarmorghab in Oruzgan province in 2009.
The governing Australian Labor Party and the opposition Liberal Party-National Party coalition insist that Australia's national security is at stake if the troops are withdrawn. But Afghanistan has never threatened Australia.
However, protracted Western wars of aggression, occupation and terror against poor Muslim nations like Afghanistan will continue to provoke the level of resentment that can lead to terrorism by groups and individuals in many countries.
These wars are acts of sustained state terror, which are provoking acts terror of in response. This is why defence commentators admit that the troop surge and endless war of occupation is not only helping to destabilise Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is a threat to global security.
Life for Afghan women, whom supporters of the war claim to want to protect, continues to deteriorate in Taliban and non-Taliban areas. Kazai has made it legal for husbands to rape their wives, and recent reports indicate a rising number of attempts at self-immolation.
A UN report Trends in Maternal Mortality indicates that after nearly a decade of donor-funded health projects, there has only been a marginal reduction in maternal and child mortality.
Last year, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) ranked Afghanistan the worst of 202 countries in terms of maternal, infant and child mortality.
We must force the Australian government to withdraw the troops. Currently 61% of Australians want the troops brought back. The views of most Australians should not be ignored for the sake of the US-Australia Alliance.
Australia should not walk away from this war ravaged country. The Australian government led by Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard should provide funding and assistance to the people of Afghanistan (not the corrupt bureaucrats – Afghan or Western). War reparations would allow the Afghan people to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.
Australia must also open its doors to those Afghan refugees who want to come here. This is the least this country can do after having helped create mass dislocation and displacement.
Finally, politicians must cease politically manipulating this ongoing tragedy. The debate – which the ALP has been forced to have – must extend well beyond parliament. It will not be a debate if, as PM Gillard wants, it is framed within a call for “support for the troops”.
The purpose of framing the “debate” this way is to use blind and misplaced nationalist sentiment in an effort to silence any argument that exposes the Australian and other foreign military intervention in Afghanistan as the criminal and anti-people war that it really is.
It’s time for the silent majority to make their views known, and force an end to this bipartisan madness in which tens of thousands, if not more, have been killed for no good reason.
[Visit the Socialist Alliance website at http://www/socialist-alliance.org.]
Fighting the terrorists !
Fighting the terrorists !
who are the terrorists ? USA ,,, CIA USA ,,, CIA USA, this was the slogan that the protests were chant-ing years ago.
The continuation and supporting the continuation of the armed resistance in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the armed resistance of the Islamic State of Iraq as well as the resistance in the pakistan is the only way thats guarantee the continuation of the most robust defensive frontline to prevent criminal America warmongers from continuing its aggressions on the world.
Its almost, more than 9 years ago when the criminals-warmongers ignited wars on the world, wars on the freedom and wars on the mankind which are all aimed for depopulations and for disaster infliction on the planet. Criminals-warmongers began war on the Afghanistan as a first step and then began another war on Iraq as further step and already had planed to go on for igniting more wars everywhere else !
At the earlier stages, everything went out of the expectations of the warmongers. Criminals-warmongers were confronted by the most fierce and the most intensive armed resistance in the both countries in which the military capabilities of the warmongers were wrecked and are no longer properly functional.
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