workers' control
Democratic production and the Workers' Opposition of revolutionary Russia

Fragmented Power: Portugal in Revolution, 1974-1975

What if the workers were in control?

Discussion: How do we rule? Direct and representative democracy and revolutionary power

A meeting of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies,
Hope in Bosnia-Herzegovina revolt; Graphic new doco on wave of people's power
Documentary: Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spring, March 2014.

Publicity for the congress, which declares: “neither capitalists nor bureaucrats, all power to the working class”.
By Ewan Robertson, Mérida
June 24, 2013 -- – Activists from across the Venezuelan labour movement met June 21-23, 2013, for the country’s first ever "workers’ congress", where workers discussed workplace democracy and the construction of socialism.
The congress, billed “First Workers’ Congress: Balance and Challenges of Worker Control and Workers’ Councils for the Construction of Socialism”, was organised by the National Worker Control Movement and saw the participation of more than fifty groups from factories across the country.
Political and union organisations were also present, including radical activists from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the trade union current of the Communist Party (PCV) and representatives of leftist union confederation, the National Union of Workers (Unete).