United States: Socialism 2008, June 19-22, Chicago

AS THE global economic crisis unfolds and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to devastate the lives of millions, discussions of political theory and history are crucial to shaping struggles around the world.

With participants from the strikes and protests for bread shaking Egypt, activists from the revolutionary upheavals of 1968 and eyewitnesses to the siege of Gaza, Socialism 2008 will bring together the ideas we need to understand the world and build a Left that can win real social change.

Sponsored by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books. Co-sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker and Obrero Socialista.


Socialism 2008

A weekend of revolutionary politics, debate and discussion

Struggles of 1968

Paul Sequeira image

Scene from protests outside of Democratic National Convention in Chicago, August, 1968. Photo courtesy of Paul Sequeira; used with permission. © Paul Sequeira; all rights reserved.

Come to Socialism 2008

John Carlos (right) and Tommie Smith (center) showing the Black Power salute in the 1968 Summer Olympics while silver medalist Peter Norman (left) wears an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge to show his support for the two Black Americans. The stand that John Carlos and Tommie Smith took on the victory stand at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City launched a new era in sports activism.

Hear Dr. John Carlos at Socialism 2008.

Struggles in Gaza

Rafah in Gaza

Mohammed Omer will speak on tragedies that happen every day in Gaza. This scene from Rafah is used with permission; © Mohammed Omer; all rights reserved. Visit his website: Rafah Today

Newly Added Speakers:

Mohammed Omer Amira
Mohammed Omer, Amira Hass

Confirmed speakers include:

Anthony Arnove
Alan Bean
Barbara Becnel
John Carlos
Sam Farber
Laura Flanders
The Freightliner 5
Joshua Frank
Amira Hass
Dahr Jamail
Adrienne Kinne
Paul Le Blanc
Camilo Mejia
Derrel Myers
Mohammed Omer
Yusef Salaam
Jeremy Scahill
Ahmed Shawki
Sharon Smith
Jeffrey St. Clair
Mark Steel
Jerry Tucker
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Dave Zirin