United States: Socialist Party national organizing conference, Madison, August 14-15, 2010


August 14-15, 2010

Neighborhood House Community Center
29 S. Mills St. Madison, WI
map w/ hotels listed

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From August 14-15, 2010, the Socialist Party USA will hold its biennial National Organizing Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. We hope that this conference, set in the historic state of late Socialist Party governor Frank Zeidler, will help push the party forward and contribute to its growth and vitality.

The movement towards building a new left in the 21st century faces many challenges, but also presents us with many opportunities. The myths of "free-market" capitalism are being destroyed for many working people, devastated by the latest economic crisis. Similarly, the horrifying environmental disaster caused by BP  has been a wake-up call to many, while the seemingly endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have many Americans wondering just what they voted for in the last presidential election. Now is the time to work together, push back, and present an alternative to the present state of things.