
Michael Pröbsting — Politicians of Western governments never tire of asserting that aid from the US and EU for Ukraine is “unprecedented”.
Boris Kagarlitsky offers a courageous and politically indispensable take on the Russia-Ukraine war.
Klaus Dräger — The invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s army heralds a global ‘turning point’, so western pundits and politicians claim. How is the European Union (EU) dealing with this? And what about the EU’s aspirations to become a leading independent world power?
Pierre Rousset — The world that allowed the Chinese economy to take off and expand internationally is no more. Sino-American tensions are sharpening against the backdrop of the crisis of commercial (de)globalization.
Taras Bilous is a Ukrainian historian, an editor of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism, and an activist in Social Movement. He is currently serving in the Ukrainian army. He was interviewed by Stephen R. Shalom
Alexander Tushkin speaks to Sergiy Movchan, a left-wing activist and participant in the Marker Project tracking far-right violence in Ukraine, about Ukrainian nationalism, the far right and antifascists in the Ukrainian army, and how the war has affected their position in society.
Denys Pilash — On March 11th 2023 our friend and comrade of Commons, known political economist, political scientist, labour movement historian and an activist of left-wing movements and solidarity with Ukraine, Marco Bojcun, passed away.
Activists from Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR) discussion the political context of resistance, the state of the protest movement and FAR's orientation and initiatives.
Grassroots activists discuss women’s status in wartime, problems and challenges the feminist movement faces, and threats that may become relevant for Ukrainian society once the war will be over.
Chris Slee — Even those who deny that Russia is an imperialist power should recognise that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a gift to US imperialism and that peace negotiations will only succeed if Russia ends its invasion.
This memorandum was handed over to the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kuala Lumpur on 15th March 2023.
Leftists in Ukraine are simultaneously resisting Russian imperialism and the domestic imposition of neoliberalism, explains Alona Liasheva.