
Jeyakumar Devaraj — The PSM have come to see that Gramsci’s analysis of society speaks to our predicament.
Ilaiya Barathi Panneerselvam — Malaysia’s rising temperature, grappling with racial and religious polemics, is, unfortunately, not new.
Federico Fuentes — Ecosocialism 2024, to be held on Australia’s west coast, will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences with activists from around the Indo-Pacific region and discuss how we can collectively campaign against war and climate catastrophe.
Parti Sosialis Malaysia — International Women’s Day allows us to reflect on the progress made towards empowering women and to call for action to overcome the challenges that still exist in achieving gender equality in all aspects of life.
The Southeast Asian Left Network has initiated a joint statement to condemn the Israeli genocide against the people of Palestine and express support for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.

Arveent Kathirtchelvan — We should no longer enable liars to lead us, we must throw them away and start anew. We should withdraw all support, funding and campaigning for the big parties and give others a chance, especially those with a proven track record.

Choo Chon Kai outlines his views on rising US-China tensions, the struggle for peace in Southeast Asia and challenges for building solidarity amid an increasingly multipolar world.
Socialism International is a biannual conference organized by Parti Sosialis Malaysia
We, the undersigned organisations, are expressing our deep concern and condemnation of the escalating violence in Manipur, particularly the distressing reports of the weaponization of sexual violence against women.
Darren Ong Chung Lee — Understandably many were skeptical of our election campaign. We were nowhere close to winning, we lost our deposit, and Bersatu ended up gaining our seat. So what exactly did our efforts accomplish?
Arveent Kathirtchelvan — The Socialist Party of Malaysia-Malaysian United Democracy Alliance third force foray in the 2023 state elections failed to garner enough votes for at least one candidate to save their deposit. This was an expected outcome.
Jeyakumar Devaraj — With state elections just around the corner, this is a good time to delineate the main features of the new political culture that the Socialist Party of Malaysia is trying to promote.