
Saskia Jaschek — It is impossible to understand the war in Sudan without accounting for the regional and international interests involved.
Gilbert Achcar — Jewish assimilation into white members of “Judeo-Christian” society in the aftermath of the Holocaust was reliant on placidly accepting their equation with Zionism and Israel’s racist violence against Arab Muslims.
Heinz Bierbaum & Ines Schwerdtner — Can Germany’s only democratic socialist party recover lost momentum after a damaging split?

Carsten Braband & Mario Candeias provide a preliminary attempt to situate the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance within the German party system.

Antoine Larrache & Terry Conway — Israel’s offensive against Gaza has sparked a worldwide revolt unlike any other issue.
How to position oneself on the war in Ukraine? This question has been dividing the left in Germany for more than a year. A debate between Ingar Solty from the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and ak editor Jan Ole Arps on this question.
David Broder — Figures like Italy’s Giorgia Meloni threaten to establish a new normal in European politics.
Karel Ludenhoff — The increased willingness to strike in both the public and private sectors is not surprising given that an enormous wage theft is taking place in Germany. Yet we can observe elements in these trade-union-led actions that go beyond the merely economic sphere, especially in the common ground concerning union and climate struggles.
Paul Schäfer — The Russian invasion must prompt the Left to re-think its geopolitical assumptions