
Peter Boyle — Leila Khaled is an iconic Palestinian revolutionary activist and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader. However, the Western media dubs her “the first woman plane hijacker” and Israel brands her a “terrorist”.
Berivan Amuda — What sets the Rojava Revolution apart is that it has truly been based on a struggle centering women’s liberation and society’s change towards an ethical and political society.
Joseph Daher — Faced with the violence of the Israeli occupying army and supported by its Western imperialist allies, the people of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon face the growing risks of a more deadly regional conflagration.
Anna Rebrii & Liza Shishko discuss their experience living in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
The text of this Social Contract of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region was ratified on December 12, 2023.
An interview with Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Duran Kalkan.
Fourth International — The wars we are facing are linked to the global crisis of capitalism and the resulting headlong rush into conflict between rival imperialist powers.
Sarah Glynn — Turkey’s attacks on North and East Syria have not matched the immediate intensity and scale of the lethal violence that Israel has rained down on Gaza, but their intended result and many of their methods are the same.
Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union — Once again we express our solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just cause. The struggle of the peoples against oppression will surely succeed and all mass murderers will be held to account.

As Hamas allies, the Iranian and Syrian regimes, along with Hezbollah in Lebanon, are the center of attention for Israeli and US strategists.

Salih Muslim speaks about the Syrian Democratic Forces' major operation against Islamic State cells and says there is no rebellion against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.