Marxist theory

Jerry Harris — Independence and self-determination have been a guiding socialist principle for more than 100 years. Understanding these long-held principles is essential in the discussion regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Michael Pröbsting discusses the important changes that have occurred within the global imperialist system in recent decades and its implications for revolutionary strategy today.
Jason Devine — Reading what Lenin wrote about Marx can really only tell us what the former thought about the latter. It is best to refer back to actual sources. In this way we can see that the idea Marx was a Hegelian idealist is pure myth.
John Smith, author of "Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis", discusses the realities of imperialism today and what it means for those fighting for a socialist future.
Michael Pröbsting — Many Marxists discuss the advantages and disadvantages of AI primarily from a technical point of view. Such an approach is the result of a theoretical wrong understanding of the relationship between productive forces and the relations of production.
In this interview with Mark Fischer, Michael A. Lebowitz, the author of 'Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class', argues that 'Capital', taken alone, is one-sided, given Marx’s intention to also write a book on wage-labor. 
Michael A. Lebowitz — When capital is in crisis, there are always two options – to give in or to move in. If masses are armed with a clear conception of the socialist alternative, they can turn a crisis in capitalism into the crisis of capitalism. Of course, it is possible that current struggles against the capitalist offensive ultimately may lead to a glorious defeat. It is possible but we must take that chance.
Raju J Das — There is a growing consensus that the society we live in is not working for the vast majority. This society must be radically transformed. And this task of radical transformation presupposes studying society better – that is, in a scientifically rigorous and critical way.
Interview with John Bellamy Foster — Our hope is that, as people mobilize against the environmental conditions produced by the present social system that increasingly threatens their lives, they will also be animated to protect the earth as a home for humanity, carrying out a worldwide ecological and social revolution
Ian Angus — Marxist historians debating the origin of capitalism rarely mention the industry that employed more working people than any field other than farming.
Madelaine Moore — 'Beyond Capital' helps us to understand why capitalism continues to persist despite endless crises, by drawing our attention to the messiness of human beings and the multiple circuits that reproduce capitalism as a complex and contradictory totality.
Given that the immanent drive and constant tendency of capital is to atomize the working class, what are the effects of this tendency? For the atomized worker, all other workers are competitors; all other workers are enemies in so far as they are competing for the same jobs. All other workers potentially stand between them and the satisfaction of their needs.