
Kevin Anderson looks back at Kissinger’s opening to China as a counter-revolutionary move, as seen in Raya Dunayevskaya’s writings at the time.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine exposed a deepening crisis of international security.

Jerry Harris — Independence and self-determination have been a guiding socialist principle for more than 100 years. Understanding these long-held principles is essential in the discussion regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Chelsea Ngoc Minh Nguyen — Ukraine’s civilizational and exclusionary approach has been self-constraining, self-defeating and even half-hearted in genuity when it comes to achieving a more respectable and broader appeal, support, and a sense of a shared struggle in many countries of the global south.
Waging Peace in Vietnam, US soldiers and veterans who opposed

April 30, 1975: a North Vietnamese tank rolls through the gate of t

US wages chemical warfare on Vietnam.

By David T. Rowlands

May 10, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Between January 31 and February 2, 1971, over a hundred ex-US service personnel who had served in Vietnam between 1963 and 1970 gathered in Detroit for a three-day media conference. Organised by the activist group Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), the Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) was intended to educate the American public about the scale of US atrocities in Vietnam, emphasising the direct relationship between such atrocities and official military policies.