Gilbert Achcar

Child in Gaza

Gilbert Achcar: On the murder of children and the return of genocide to banality

Gilbert Achcar — It is one of the cruel ironies of history that those who claim to speak on behalf of the victims of Nazi genocide are the perpetrators of the most horrific campaign of extermination in the history of contemporary settler colonialism.
far right antisemitism

When the accusation of antisemitism becomes a weapon in the hands of neofascism

Gilbert Achcar — Netanyahu has become the darling of the global far right, not only as a role model but because of his efforts to clear his mates from the accusation of antisemitism and attach it to those they hate.
Lebanon bombed

Gilbert Achcar: Is the drumbeat of war on the Israel/Lebanon front a prelude to all-out war?

Gilbert Achcar — Recent weeks have witnessed a sharp escalation of the exchange of fire between the Lebanese resistance and Israeli forces in South Lebanon/North of the Zionist state.
Netanyahu Gantz

The United States and Israel: What’s behind the ongoing conflict between Biden and Netanyahu?

Gilbert Achcar — With the reoccupation of the Gaza Strip completed and the question of its political fate coming to the fore, the Zionist consensus represented by Netanyahu’s war cabinet has ended.
Netanyahu concerned

Gilbert Achcar: Truce in Gaza and the dilemmas faced by Netanyahu and Hamas

Gilbert Achcar — News related to the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip have been overshadowed by the truce project that Biden attributed to “Israel” without specifying which Israeli governing body had approved it.
Gaza destruction

Palestine’s fate in light of the onslaught on Gaza

Gilbert Achcar — The best “solution” that could result from the Zionist ongoing genocidal war is worse than what existed before it, and certainly worse than what appeared on the horizon following the Oslo deal.
Iran Israel bomb

The postponed Israeli attack on Iran

Gilbert Achcar — Israel will complete its genocidal war against Gaza for six before directing its military efforts against Iran and Hezbollah.
Iran Israel

Gilbert Achcar: The coming Israeli attack on Iran (Plus: ‘Tehran found itself backed into a corner by the attack on its consulate’)

Gilbert Achcar — There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.
Gaza destruction

The “State of Palestine”: Between liquidating the cause and continuing the struggle

Gilbert Achcar — The Palestinian condition has deteriorated to worse than anything it has known in more than 75 years of suffering and oppression
Jewish whitening

The whitening of European Jews and the misuse of holocaust memory

Gilbert Achcar — Jewish assimilation into white members of “Judeo-Christian” society in the aftermath of the Holocaust was reliant on placidly accepting their equation with Zionism and Israel’s racist violence against Arab Muslims.
Washington abstained in voting on the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council on Monday

Gilbert Achcar: The US administration’s hypocrisy and Israel’s insolence

Gilbert Achcar — It is truly astonishing that Washington abstained in voting on the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, despite the resolution being consistent with the US’ position.
Palestine protest

Gilbert Achcar: For the right to self-determination of Palestinians, for the withdrawal of imperialist forces from the Middle East

The war in Gaza continues, with its procession of horrors, but also with significant resistance in Palestine. Gilbert Achcar addresses this situation and the avenues for building solidarity against Israel and its accomplices, the far right and imperialism.