Michael Pröbsting

New York City rally protests 70 years of Nakba

Western imperialism’s ideological crisis

Michael Pröbsting — There are glaring and growing contradictions between the official ideological justifications and actual foreign policies of Western imperialism.
foreign currencies

The US dollar and the pound sterling: The role of currencies in the uneven process of decline of hegemonic imperialist powers

Michael Pröbsting — Developments in the second decade of the twentieth century demonstrated that a dominating currency does not guarantee the hegemonic role of a declining Great Power.
US soldiers in Iraq

Anti-Imperialism then & now: On the principles of anti-imperialism in view of changes in world capitalism

Michael Pröbsting — The struggle against imperialist aggression and wars has always been an elementary feature of the revolutionary program in modern times.

The Global South has become the focus of inter-imperialist rivalry

Michael Pröbsting — We have entered a historic period where several imperialist Great Powers are rivalling for hegemony. This development is accelerating global instability, wars and economic crisis.
Egypt EU

Egypt: EU, IMF prop up General Sisi dictatorship

Michael Pröbsting — Why are imperialist powers so eager to give billions of US Dollars to Egypt’s regime? The answer lies in the nature of dictatorship
Against normalisation

Pro-Palestine solidarity and capitalist double-speak in the Middle East

Michael Pröbsting — Middle Eastern governments denounce Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza but refuse to rupture their economic relations with the Zionist state.

Richard Haass

On the end of US imperialism: ‘Wall Street Journal’ interviews disillusioned diplomat Richard Haass

Michael Pröbsting — In a recent WSJ interview, US foreign policy guru Richard Haass offered a disillusioned prospect for the imperialist world order in general and for the US’s role as a global hegemon in particular.
Israel bombing

A huge shift in public opinion: Israel’s war on Gaza and the Arab World

Michael Pröbsting — Recent votes in the UN General Assembly have demonstrated that never before has the US been so isolated on a crucial issue of world politics. The shift in public opinion is particularly strong in the Arab world.
map of foreign interventions

‘Highest number of armed conflicts in three decades’: New study confirms explosive character of the current period

Michael Pröbsting — The latest edition of the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ annual Armed Conflict Survey paints a grim picture of the crisis-ridden capitalist world order.
inter-imperialist rivalry

Imperialism, Great Power rivalry and revolutionary strategy in the twenty-first century: Interview with Michael Pröbsting

Michael Pröbsting discusses the important changes that have occurred within the global imperialist system in recent decades and its implications for revolutionary strategy today.

BRICS+: An imperialist-led alliance

Michael Pröbsting — The expansion of BRICS reflects the rise of Chinese and Russian imperialism at the cost of their Western rivals.
Russian tanks

Russian imperialism and its monopolies

Michael Pröbsting — Some on the left still claim Russia is not an imperialist power (and hence a lesser evil than Western rivals). This is a discussion not just of theoretical interest but also of political importance.