Issue 26
How are revolutionary parties built?
This document was submitted by the US International Socialist Organization Steering Committee to the organisation's convention in Chicago, February 68, 2004. A report along these lines was presented by International Socialist Review editor Ahmed Shawki, and the perspectives were adopted by the convention.
The Democratic Socialist Perspective and the Socialist Alliance
This is the text of a resolution of the twentieth congress of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party, which was held December 27-30, 2003.
Socialist unity—the preconditions and the gains to date
Strengthening our base of support in the working class
Socialist Alliance, revolutionary socialism and the Democratic Socialist Party
The revolutionary process in Venezuela: an embryonic workers and peasants state
'Socialism in one country' and the Cuban Revolution
By Celia Hart
Issue 26: Editor's introduction
This issue adds new material, viewpoints and discussion to a frequent theme in Links: the type or types of parties that can contribute to socialist revolution, and the methods by which it is possible to build them. It opens with a contribution from the Cuban magazine Tricontinental by Celia Hart. She examines the issue of "socialism in one country" in relation to the survival of the Cuban Revolution.