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2 millionth visit to 'Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal': yet another milestone

Dot sizes for visits between May and September 2012:   = 1,000+   = 100 - 999   = 10 - 99   = 1 - 9 visits 

September 9, 2012 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- On Saturday, September 8, 2012, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal received its 2 millionth visit (since statistics began being kept on April 8, 2008). Its 1 millionth visit was registered on October 20, 2010. Less than a year later, Links' 1.5 millionth visitor arrived, in late September 2011.

Those 2 million visitors have collectively read more than 2,685,000 articles in that time. 

1,000,000th visitor to Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

October 20, 2010 -- In the early hours of October 20, 2010, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal passed an historic