Protesters rally during anti-government protest in Zagreb, Croatia, March 2011. Photograph: Darko Bandic/AP.
[Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal urges its readers to consider taking out a subscription to Monthly Review, where this article first appeared.]
By Srećko Horvat and Igor Štiks
Mulcair’s victory: A new direction for Canada's NDP?
NDP leader Thomas Mulcair.
Denmark: Anti-racist protest outnumbers 'all-Europe' racist/fascist gathering
By Ron Ridenour, Copenhagen
Doug Lorimer's introduction to 'Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism'
Introduction by Doug Lorimer
Bo Xilai.
Sudan: Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud's ideas will live on
By Abohoraira Ali
Debate: Neoliberalism in disguise in Bolivia?
Location of the indigenous territory and national park known as TIPNIS.
Colombia: The end for guerrilla warfare?
FARC guerillas.
[For more discussion on Colombia, click HERE.]
By Anthony Boynton, Bogotá, Colombia
March 25, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- As long as there are sleepy, oppressed, oppressive and isolated villages connected to a city somewhere over the hill by an unpaved road with bridges that might wash out in the next storm, guerrilla warfare will be possible. But those villages are fast disappearing into memory as the extension of electric grids and networks of paved roads extend into every corner of what used to be called the Third World.
The contradictions of Ronnie Kasrils: The leftist spy who came in from cold Pretoria
Ronnie Kasrils speaks out against Israel's apartheid policies, March 5, 2009.
Get Political! slideshow: Introduction to Marxism
Introduction to Marxism
March 28, 2012 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- More than 50 key figures on the left including Ian Angus, John Riddell, Patrick Bond, Paul Le Blanc, China Miéville, Ken Loach, Lindsey German, Alex Callinicos, Suzi Weissman, Michael Yates and Immanuel Ness have backed Pluto Press' Get Political! campaign urging activists fighting for the 99% to draw inspiration from the lives and writings
Video: Eight myths behind 'Kony 2012'
March 27, 2012 – A video by Green Left Weekly's Paul Benedek that expos