
Ecuador gangs

Guillaume Long: Chaos in Ecuador

Guillaume Long — Ecuador is swiftly becoming the new frontline of the failed US War on Drugs. It may take years or even decades for the country to rebuild a state that can guarantee peace and security for its people.

ecuador crisis

Ecuador on the brink of the abyss

Revolutionary Movement of Workers — An immense wave of violence has been unleashed throughout the country. Ecuador is going through a moment of very deep crisis, perhaps the most serious in its history.
Palacio Carondelet

Ecuador: Will Correísmo succeed in surfing the second progressive wave?

Ociel Alí López — With two weeks to go before Ecuador's presidential elections, what obstacles does Correísmo face in defeating its right-wing opponents? Will Luisa González become Ecuador's first elected woman president?

Ecuador: From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno

By Eric Toussaint

April 23, 2021 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from CADTM — On 11 April 2021, Guillermo Lasso (52,4%), the right-wing candidate, defeated Andres Arauz, the candidate supported by Rafael Correa and part of the Left, by 52.4% vs 47.6% in the second round of ballots for the presidential election. Lasso was elected thanks to the division of the Left, since a significant part of it, which has become deeply diffident of Rafael Correa, called for a null vote. Votes on the popular side, that represented a clear majority in the first round of February 2021, were divided, which made it possible for a former banker to be elected president. The situation is serious for an opportunity to break away from Lenin Moreno’s brutal neoliberal policies has been lost. Former banker Lasso, though critical of Lenin Moreno’s positions out of sheer electoral calculation, will continue in the same harmful direction: a deepening of neoliberal policies, submission to the private interests of Big Capital, particularly of Ecuador’s powerful banking sector and of the import-export industry, and submission to the United States. How can we explain that a significant part of popular votes did not go to Andres Arauz to prevent Guillermo Lasso from getting elected? It can be accounted for by the rejection prompted by Rafael Correa’s policies, particularly after 2011, among part of the Left, notably with the CONAIE, the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador.

Ecuador: Referendum could decide fate of Correa’s Citizens’ Revolution

By Denis RogatyukFebruary 3, 2018 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Ecuadorians will head to the polls on February 4 to cast their vote in a referendum that could prove to be decisive for the government of President Lenin Moreno and the political direction of the country. Moreno was elected president last April as the candidate of PAIS Alliance, the party of former left-wing president Rafael Correa. However, less than year on from the election, Correa – together with a majority of PAIS Alliance activists – now view Moreno as a “traitor” for failing to honour his commitment to continue the policies of the Citizens’ Revolution, which was kick-started by Correa’s election in 2007.

È possibile che un’improbabile alleanza tra la sinistra e la destra fermi la Rivoluzione Cittadina dell’Ecuador?


Federico Fuentes

24-03-2017 - Traduzione del Comitato Carlos Fonseca - L’Ecuador tornerà alle urne il 2 aprile dopo che il primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali non aveva dato una vittoria decisiva a Lenín Moreno, il candidato disposto a continuare la “Rivoluzione Cittadina” dell’uscente presidente Rafael Correa, che ha favorito i poveri.

Ora Moreno affronta la sfida di riuscire a far sì che l’Ecuador non si aggiunga alla lista dei paesi della regione nei quali la sinistra ha recentemente perso le elezioni.

¿Es posible que una improbable alianza entre la izquierda y la derecha detenga la Revolución Ciudadana de Ecuador?

Por Federico Fuentes, traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Paco Muñoz de Bustillo

Ecuador volverá a las urnas el 2 de abril después de que la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales no otorgara una victoria decisiva a Lenín Moreno, el candidato dispuesto a continuar la “Revolución Ciudadana” del saliente presidente Rafael Correa, que ha favorecido a los pobres.

Ahora Moreno se enfrenta al reto de conseguir que Ecuador no se sume a la lista de países de la región en los que la izquierda ha perdido recientemente las elecciones.