Sudáfrica: Las privaciones y depravaciones de Jacob Zuma

[Original in English here] Por Patrick Bond November 14, 2016 —

Turkey: HDP on the arrests of party co-chairs and MPs and the eradication of rule of law

Selahattin Demirtas (left) and Figen Yuksekdag are among the

Ideas for the struggle #11 - Popular consultations: spaces that allow for the convergence of different forces

1. I have previously argued the case for the need to create a large social bloc against neoliberalism that can unite all those affected by the system.

Bullets and barricades: On the art of insurrection

By Doug Enaa Greene To my friend and comrade Francesca. November 6,

Studs Terkel and third-party politics

This article is based on excerpts from the new book, Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, but Mostly Conversation. By Alan W

Ideas for the struggle #10 - A strategy for building the unity of the left

1. I have previously referred to the necessity of building unity among all left forces and actors in order to be able to cohere a broad anti-neoliberal bloc around them.