New film: 'Viva Venezuela: Fighting for Socialism'
November 19, 2013 – RCG – In October 2012 Venezuela faced a choice: whether to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution that under the leadership of Hugo Chavez had brought dignity, health, education and hope – or to return to a brutal, unequal, neoliberal society where oil wealth lined the pockets of multinational companies and Venezuela's elite. The people of Venezuela who voted for Chavez, voted to fight for socialism.
The Revolutionary Communist Group was on the streets of Caracas throughout the presidential elections in October 2012. We joined hundreds of thousands as they thronged the city, braving torrential rain or baking sun, to express their support. This film takes you on that journey, through the barrios, universities and workplaces to meet the political activists, students and workers who are changing their future.
The film premièred in London on October 25, 2013, where 150 people packed out Bolivar Hall to hear speakers from the RCG, the Venezuelan and Cuban embassy discuss the movement in Latin America and its relevance to the struggle here in imperialist Britain. It continues to screen all around the country, picking up momentum, not only increasing our understanding of the struggle in Venezuela, but helping us understand the tasks that face us here in Britain.
Our solidarity with the struggle for socialism takes this form – publicising the example of the Bolivarian Revolution and through films, articles and leaflets; bringing the message to the streets as we struggle against capitalist cuts, the parasitic banking system, imperialist war and occupation here in Britain, the belly of the beast.
As the capitalist crisis bites in Britain, Venezuela provides an inspiring example of how the fight against austerity can develop into a fight for socialism
Why Venezuela?
Venezuela is in the front line of the battle for socialism in the world today. 2013 has seen a renewed campaign of destabilisation aiming to topple the Bolivarian Revolution. Fascist thugs left 13 dead in the street violence following April's presidential election, an economic war breeds desperation through manipulated inflation and food scarcity, an international media campaign seeks to create a pretext for foreign intervention.
The forces of the Bolivarian Revolution are pushing forward, occupying companies engaged in speculation and fraud, cracking down on corruption and expanding the communas as a system of participatory democracy.
Now is a vital time, we can not allow the ruling class in imperialist Britain, with its corporate newspapers, television and websites to slander the revolutionary process in Venezuela. Every attack against them, is an attack on us, our principles, and our struggle here to overthrow the forces of capitalism and imperialism.
The Bolivarian Revolution illustrates what can be achieved when governments and people, working together, put human need before capitalist profits. Despite Chavez's death in March 2013, the process is being built every day by millions of Venezuelans, working to create a society built on collective, socialist organisation and production. In that conscious struggle the spirit of Hugo Chavez lives on.
Show the film yourself!
We encourage everybody, students, workers, activists, in Britain and around the world to use this film, spread the word and seize this opportunity to to highlight Venezuela's role in breaking the chains of imperialism. Alongside the achievements of socialist Cuba, Venezuela illustrates that not only is another world possible, but this world is being built today in Latin America!
Our fight is one fight – towards socialism, internationalism and unity!
If you plan to organise a film showing please get in touch at or phone + 0207 837 1688 (Britain). We may be able to support with publicity and materials for the event. Also don't miss our pamphlet that accompanies the documentary Viva Venezuela Fighting for Socialism.
Pamphlet to complement the film with detailed articles and interviews from the October 2012 delegation.
Individual pamphlets cost £3 including P&P or £5 with a DVD copy of the documentary.
Why not place a bulk order for copies for your local reading group, trade union or student union, or just to sell in your local area.:
10 for £18.00 (inc P&P)
20 for £30.00 (inc P&P)
50 for £65.00 (inc P&P)
Send cheques payable to Larkin Publications to
FRFI, BCM Box 5909, London WC1N 3XX together with your postal address. You can also pay via Paypal:
A big thanks ...
We would like to take this final opportunity to thank the following people who helped make the 2012 delegation and the documentary film possible.
All supporters whose donations made possible our delegation and documentary film
Agent Of Change
Ana Julia Cedeno Maiz
Ana Marin
Bolivarian University of Venezuela
Barrio 23 de Enero
Carolina Conao
Catia TV
Cuidad Caribia
Community of La Salina, Vargas
Daisuke Tanabe
Desde Abajo
Emily Trip
Fernando Soto Rojas
Fiorella and Gabriella
Francisco Rodriguez
Ivonne Delgado and Rafa Angulo
Jody McIntyre
Latin American Children's
Cardiological Hospital
Pablo Gimenez
Pablo Navarrete
Rafael Ramos
Richard Velez
Roberto Jimenez Diaz
Rogelio Polanco
Ruben Granado
Xoan Noya
The Ministry for Foreign Relations
The Venezuelan Embassy in London
Venezuela Analysis
Viviana Lombardi
Workers and managers at PDVSA Gas Communal "Ambrosio Plaza"
Yolanda Bascon