Philippines socialists: `No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain!'

Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

Statement by the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses), Philippines

March 19, 2011 -- On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council passed a resolution authorising military intervention by the Western imperialist powers or their puppets in Libya. The justification for this is to prevent further loss of life in fighting between forces remaining loyal Muammar Gaddafi and forces supporting the uprising that began on February 15 against his 42-year-old rule, and to support the pro-democracy forces.

However, the imperialists’ claims to be in support of democracy,and concerned about loss of life, are contradicted by events in Bahrain, a key Western ally where the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet is based. Here the US response to brutal attacks by the monarchist government against unarmed, non-violent pro-democracy protesters has been to call for restraint — by both sides.

Furthermore, on March 14, 1000 troops from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a brutal feudal dictatorship and the chief US ally in the Arab world) and 500 police from the United Arab Emirates (also a Western-backed monarchy) invaded Bahrain to help the Bahraini government crush the protests. The intervention happened under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Ironically, the GCC was one of the key institutions lobbying for military intervention in Libya.


During the 1970s and ’80s, the Gaddafi government was supported by most progressives throughout the world because following the 1969 revolution that overthrew a Western-controlled feudal monarchy, his government redistributed the country’s oil wealth to the benefit of the country’s poor and took an anti-imperialist line in foreign policy. These policies also earned Gaddafi the hatred of the imperialist powers — sanctions were applied under a number of pretexts and in 1986 the US President Ronald Reagan sent warplanes to bomb Libya.

However, the Gaddafi regime was never socialist and over time became increasingly dictatorial. Much of its anti-imperialism was simply rhetoric and its support for just liberation struggles, such as that of Palestine, was inconsistent and used as a bargaining chip to be traded away in deals with imperialism.

During the 1990s and 2000s its policies took an increasingly neoliberal direction and its standards of literacy and health care, for example, which had improved after the revolution, declined to levels similar to neighbouring countries. Furthermore, Filipinos are aware that it relied on the exploitation of foreign workers. The West rewarded these policies with a renewal of diplomatic and military support. The right-wing Berlesconi regime in Italy became particularly close to Gaddafi, and Britain remained a major arms supplier almost until the point when the British government became a main advocate of military action against the régime.

The Libyan uprising for democracy, inspired by the uprisings that overthrew imperialist-backed presidents in neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt, is worthy of support by progressives. Gaddafi’s initial response was to appeal to the imperialism to save him, accusing the opposition of being al Qaeda. It was only when it became clear that the West was going to opportunistically use the uprising, and the regime’s brutal response, as a pretext for direct intervention that he revived his anti-imperialist rhetoric from the 1970s aand 1980s.

However, imperialist military intervention must be denounced as the hypocritical opportunism that it is. The record of Western interventions in the Middle East speaks for itself. Far from saving lives, it will cost more. The rules of engagement being proposed mean that if the Gaddafi loyalist forces bomb civilians in rebel-held Benghazi the imperialists will bomb civilians in government-held Tripoli. And far from helping democracy the intervention is an attempt to hijack the Libyan uprising and establish a base from which to derail the unfolding revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.


The corporate media, ever subservient to imperialism, has shed rivers of crocodile tears over Libya, while paying very little attention to Bahrain. What coverage it has had has falsely portrayed the uprising as communal violence between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims. The media has also parroted the proganda of the Bahraini and Saudi kings that the protesters are Shi’a religious fundamentalists backed by Iran.

The reality is that while the Sunni monarchy has discriminated against the Shi’a majority, the protests have united Sunni and Shi’a, religious and secular, in a struggle for democracy, human rights, gender equality and economic opportunity.

These are the values which the imperialists’ intervention in Libya claims to be in support of. Yet in Bahrain, the imperialists have sent in their Saudi and UAE puppets to shore up the religious sectarian monarchy. Under the protection of the Saudi and UAE forces, pro-monarchy thugs have attacked and burnt the protest camp and have been roaming neighborhoods attacking democracy supporters. Health workers have also been targeted. Hospitals have been taken over the military — wounded protesters have been prevented from entering and doctors, nurses and paramedics prevented from leaving.


Anyone with illusions that Western intervention can bring democracy need look no further than Iraq. The US-led invasion and occupation that has cost more than a million Iraqi lives since 2003 was in the name of bringing democracy. Instead it has brought communal divisions, religious extremism, a breakdown in basic services such as electricity and water, social dislocation, collapse of the health and education systems, mass unemployment and, above all, violence.

That pro-democracy protesters are being shot down on the streets of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities by the puppet régime installed by the West in the name of bringing democracy shows clearly what imperialist intervention brings.


I marched against the US revenge attacks for 9/11 in Iraq and Afganistan.
However I have been arguing for and support a No Fly Zone in Libya.
The Libyan ambassador to the UN had been pleading for one[NFZ] for weeks,
and the Feb17 council the same while Gadhaffi was threatening 'No Mercy' for protesters.
Surely you see the difference.

I think the UN should censure the Bahrain regime for it's attrocious attacks on peaceful protesters, and to fail to do so is in my opinion morally wrong.

I personally think a NFZ is right, and a lack of strong condemnation of Bahrain is wrong.
Yes the US is being hippocritical (are they afraid of the Sauds?) but at least they are doing one thing right IMO.


French Communist Party (PCF): Reaffirms opposition to regime, supports democratic struggle of the people and the Transitional National Council. Questions the “military logic” of the UNSC resolution and the underlying motifs of Western powers.

Dutch Socialist Party (SP):  The SP welcomes the fact that the UN Security Council has adopted a resolution to call for immediate cease-fire in Libya and protection of civilians. Favours the imposition of a no-fly zone.

Norwegian Socialist Left Party (SV): Supports UNSC resolution, but calls for “critical distance”, recalling experiences from Afghanistan and Iraq

Portuguese Communist Party (PCP): Deplores UNSC resolution, calls for mobilizations for peace. Criticizes position of Portuguese government. Recalls Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq.  Calls for solidarity with the struggles of the peoples of Middle East.

Danish Red-Green Alliance (Enhedlisten): Supports humanitarian action in Libya in parliamentary vote. Recalls Darfur and Rwanda. Says Libya situation is distinct from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Spanish United Left (IU): “No to war in Libya”, rejects any foreign military intervention, calls for political-diplomatic pressure to push through a cease-fire. Seeks to highlight dissenting voices in UNSC that abstained from the vote.

Italian Communist Refoundation Party (PRC): UNSC resolution will lead to war. States that it is hypocritical to attack Libya whilst not intervening when Lebanon, Gaza or Bahrain are attacked. Expresses hope in the Libyan gov’t unilateral ceasefire announcement. Highlights initiatives from Latin America.

Party of Italian Communists (PdCI): “No to UN resolution”. Appeals to mobilizations to stop Italy from providing bases for attacks against Libya.

Communist Party of Greece (KKE): Has seemingly not published any statement on UNSC resolution at its website, previous statements has called for solidarity with Libyan popular protests against the regime as well as opposition to foreign military intervention.

Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM): Expresses “grave concern” over UNSC resolution. Expresses dissatisfaction over Russia’s decision not to veto resolution. Makes mention of Venezuelan initiative.

German Left Party (Die Linke): “War is not the solution”. Correct to call for stop to Gaddafi’s “murderous killings”, but high risks with no-fly zone. Military escalation should be avoided, a cease-fire should be sought under the UN. NATO must not intervene. Criticizes position of SPD and German Greens who criticize the German gov’t attitude. Recalls German arms exports to Gaddafi in recent years.

Workers Party of Belgium (PvdA/PTB):  Opposes military intervention, argues that the West is hypocritical. Supports struggle of Libyan people for democracy. Calls for a manifestation in Brussels on Sunday.

In Sweden, Vänsterpartiet/Left wing party: Their spokesperson in foreign issues are in favor of bigger international pressure on the regime, i...ncluding support for a no-fly zon.
Socialistiska Partiet: Against the resolution, but say that the world schould have supported the resistance with weapons.
Kommunistiska Partiet/Communist Party: Are strongly against the resolution, and make comperation of Afghanistan and Iraq. Say it gives "terror, not liberation".


JadedIdealist, and everyone else supporting this intervention. Why do you think the same forces suppressing the (unarmed, non-violent) democratic in Bahrain will bring democracy to Libya? Were you reassured by Sarkozy saying the Arab world was supporting the intervention, when by "Arab world" he meant the governments of Saudi, which invaded Bahrain to crush democracy protests, and Yemen, which massacred dozens of unarmed protesters on Saturday? And given that Western "humanitarian" interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have killed at least 3 million people since 1991, why do think military intervention in Libya (where the pre-intervention bodycount was somewhere between 1000 and 6000) will save lives?
This morning's news of 110 cruise missiles being fired at populated areas gives an indication of what's to come. Do you really think these missiles will kill no civilians? Check out the drone strikes in Pakistan, where most of those killed by "precision strikes only targetting terrorists" are civilians.
This cruise missile attack shows what this intervention is about. It won't stop Gadaffi killing Libyans, it will just mean when Gadaffi bombs civillians in Benghazi, NATO will respond by bombing civillians in Tripoli.


The most important thing is to avoid the aftermath of the Gulf War back in the 1990s when the responsibility after the war was handed over to the Iraqi people and Sadam Hussein abused his power to suppress those people and remained in power even after the war. That's why I think forcing Kadhafi to resign is the essential part of this military operation.