Georg Lukacs

Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Two dialectical anniversaries: Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Kevin B. Anderson — 2023 marked the 100th anniversary of Georg Lukács’s ‘History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics’ and the 50th anniversary of Raya Dunayevskaya’s ‘Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and from Marx to Mao’.

Karl Korsch's Philosophical Bolshevism

By Doug Enaa Greene January 25, 2018
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal When Karl Korsch is remembered, he is generally alongside Georg Lukács and Antonio Gramsci as one of the founders of “Western Marxism”. Western Marxism is typically viewed as a diverse trend that focuses more on issues of culture and ideology instead of political economy, and eschews political engagement. It is certainly the case that most of what we understand by Western Marxism, notably the Frankfurt School, falls under that broad definition. After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Korsch believed that Marxism needed to be restored as a revolutionary philosophy. Korsch wrote his most famous work, Marxism and Philosophy, in 1923 when he was a leader in the Communist Party of Germany. Far from being a Western Marxist, Korsch like Gramsci and Lukács, is better characterized as a “Philosophical Bolshevik” who was committed to the theory and practice of socialist revolution.

Georg Lukacs: Lessons for struggle today

Doug Enaa Greene's lecture on Hungarian Marxist Georg Lukacs (1885-1971) an