Sotsyalnyi Rukh

Ukrainian soldiers

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?

Chris Maisano surveys the views and policies of left-wing parties in Europe regarding the Ukraine war.
Right Sector flag

The far right in Ukraine: An interview with Taras Bilous

Taras Bilous is a Ukrainian historian, an editor of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism, and an activist in Social Movement. He is currently serving in the Ukrainian army. He was interviewed by Stephen R. Shalom
Commons image

Resistance and Solidarity. The Left Volunteer Movement in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Before the full-scale war, the Ukrainian left movement was neither considered influential nor had a party or national representation, backboned by a strong community. However, the Russian invasion made leftists look for new contacts and approaches. Spokespeople of leftist and anarchist organizations elaborate on the experience of resistance.
Sotsialny Rukh conference

A Ukrainian Left under construction on several fronts: The national conference of Sotsialnyi Rukh/Social Movement

Catherine Samary - Ukrainian socialist NGO Sotsialny Rukh (SR - Social Movement), held a national conference in Kyiv. Far from a simple factual and make-shift report, the aim here is to shed light on the specific profile of this young left, based on how it operates at the heart of Ukrainian society and at odds with the dominant contradictory interpretations of the “Euro-Maidan” (2013-2014) which divide the left and are exploited by Putin.
Denis Pilash

Ukraine: The Tsar is naked - Interview with Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement) activist Denis Pilash

Denish Pilash, activist and professor of political science in Kiev, recounts the attempt of the new Ukrainian left to emphasise social conflict in the context of resistance to Russian aggression
Ukranian socialist graphic

The war on Ukraine: An interview with a Ukrainian socialist

Reposted from New Politics, Summer 2022. New Politics put the following questions to Andrei, a member of the Ukrainian socialist organization Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement).
Taras Bilous

I’m a Ukrainian socialist. Here’s why I resist the Russian invasion.

I’m writing from Ukraine, where I serve in the Territorial Defense Forces. A year ago, I couldn’t have expected to be in this situation. Like millions of Ukrainians my life has been upturned by the chaos of war.

Ukraine’s government dismantles labour rights during the war (plus statement by Sotsyalnyi Rukh)

By Serhiy Guz

March 20, 2022 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from openDemocracy — Ukraine’s proposed new law to deregulate labour rights, which the government sees as part of the combined effort to thwart the Russian invasion, has set the administration at odds with the country’s trade unions.

There are fears that the new law, which has been approved by parliament but is yet to be signed into law by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, could continue after the war is concluded and lead to further exploitative working conditions in Ukraine.