Syrian National Army

Free Syria cartoon

After the fall: Hope amid the ruins of post-Assad Syria

Kevin B. Anderson — A few months after the epochal fall of the Assad dictatorship, Syria remains in flux. Nonetheless, some broad outlines of where Syria is going can be discerned.
SDF and Free Syria flag

The revolution in North and East Syria after the fall of Assad

Chris Slee looks at the history and prospects for the revolution in north and east Syria, also known as the Rojava revolution.
Mazloum Abdi

Mazloum Abdi (Syrian Democratic Forces): ‘The HTS administration and those seeking a solution to the Syrian crisis must work to stop the attacks on North and East Syria’

Mazloum Abdi assesses the changes in Syria since the fall of the Assad regime, the attacks by Turkey and its mercenaries on Rojava, and developments in dialogues with the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham administration and between Kurdish political parties.
Cemil Bayik, co-chair of the KCK Executive Council

‘Kurdistan is where the fate of the Middle East will be determined’: An interview with Cemil Bayik

Cemil Bayik discusses the current process regarding the solution of the Kurdish question and its connection to the ‘Third World War’ raging in the Middle East region.
YPJ Commander-in-Chief Rohilat Afrin

Syria: ‘We cannot hand over our weapons while attacks on women and our territories continue’ — An interview with YPJ Commander-in-Chief Rohilat Afrin

Rohilat Afrin talks about the state of the war in Manbij, the ceasefire that never was, the possibility of a Turkish invasion in Kobane, HTS-SDF relations and the potential for the YPJ to be integrated into the Syrian army.
Celebration in Damascus

Syria’s popular revolution and the extraordinary collapse of Assad’s genocidal regime

Michael Karadjis — There will be many struggles ahead, but for now Syrians are celebrating one of the most decisive and popular revolutions ever.
map of Syria december 9

Syria: The fall of the regime, the future of the country and Turkey’s war on the Kurds

Dave Holmes — The extremely rapid and unexpected fall of Syria’s Assad dictatorship is a political earthquake in the Middle East.
Members of the Syrian community in Istanbul hold up a banner of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as they celebrate the fall of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad this week

Erdoğan’s Syria?

Cihan Tuğal — Though the balance of forces has shifted in Erdoğan’s favour for the time being, fantasies about a Turkish imperial restructuring of the region are unfounded.
Free Syria flag at protest

From Syria to Palestine, liberation comes from below

Joseph Daher explains why the Assad regime's toppling in Syria is important to liberation efforts across the region, especially for the Palestinian struggle.
Refugees escaping the area around Tal Rifaat, fleeing towards Raqqa, 2 December 2024.

Syria: Rojava is under fire

Christopher Wimmer — Assad is gone, but the war in northern Syria rages on.

Salih Muslim (Democratic Unity Party) on dialogue with HTS and Turkey, and Rojava’s example for a democratic and inclusive Syria

Salih Muslim reflects on Kurdish autonomy, Turkey’s role in Syria, and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s transitional government as pivotal elements shaping the country’s future and prospects for peace.
Syria refugees

Where is Syria headed?

Gilbert Achcar reflects on what has happened so far in Syria to try to foresee what the future may hold.

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