
Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?
Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.

(Video) International (in)security: building solidarity in a rupturing world?
Russia's invasion of Ukraine exposed a deepening crisis of international security.

Youngsu Won (South Korea): ‘US-China tensions have erased any space for struggle’
Youngsu Won discusses how rising tensions between the United States and China impact South Korean politics.

Taiwan, militarism and the reactionary campaign against China
Phil Hearse argues for self-determination for Taiwan, but says that the Left must oppose the American military build up in the Indo-Pacific region and preparations for a disastrous war against China.

A rightful place for Taiwan in this planet
Au Loong-Yu - Taiwanese people are the smaller player in this great contest between China and the US, easily bullied or betrayed by either this or that superpower. Precisely because of this the international left must ask themselves: Who should be our first concern in this triangular relationship between Beijing, Taipei and Washington?