transitional method
How we can use the Transitional Program today: a response to Socialist Alternative

"Allen Myers denies the possibility
Dave Holmes: Strengthening the socialist movement today

Building effective campaigns and coalitions is extremely important.

The demand for shorter working hours with no loss in pay has been a key transitional demand.
In defence of the transitional method

Sue Bolton speaking at a rally for refugee rights in
The Comintern in 1922: the periphery pushes back

Communist Party of Germany (KPD) member Paul Levi played a leading role in several debates.
By John Riddell
December 4, 2011 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, for more articles by John Riddell, go to -- Until recently, I shared a widely held opinion that the Bolshevik Party of Russia towered above other members of the early Communist International as a source of fruitful political initiatives. However, my work in preparing the English edition of the Comintern’s Fourth Congress, held at the end of 1922, led me to modify this view.(1) On a number of weighty strategic issues before the congress, front-line parties, especially the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), played a decisive role in revising executive committee proposals and shaping the Congress’s outcome.]
When I translated the first page of this congress, I was not far distant from the view of Tony Cliff, who, referring to the 1921–22 period, referred to the “extreme comparative backwardness of communist leaders outside Russia”. They had an “uncritical attitude towards the Russian party”, which stood as “a giant among dwarfs”, Cliff stated.(2)
How socialists work to win mass support

By Dave Holmes
Nationalisation — a key demand in the socialist program

By Dave Holmes