Exposing the big con: The false promise of Artificial Intelligence
Marty Hart-Landsberg — The uncritical and rapidly increasing adoption of AI systems by schools, businesses, the media, and the military represents a serious threat to our collective well-being. We need to push back, and push back hard, against this big tech offensive.

Trump’s United States: Resisting the ‘everything, everywhere all at once’ blitzkrieg
Max Elbaum — MAGA’s fast-moving coup is upending the longstanding arrangements that have undergirded domestic politics and the US role in the world. What does this mean for the resistance, and how can the US left maximize its impact?

Recognising fascism in India: If not now, then when?
Dipankar Bhattacharya — After eleven years of unchecked consolidation of fascist forces at the helm of power, should Indian communists still wait longer to call the growing disaster by its historically known name?

Oleksandr Kyselov — With a madman in the White House, all pretences have fallen away and raw power again reigns supreme. But if the left acts in a quick and determined manner now, it can help give peace a chance.

Russian political prisoner Boris Kagarlitsky on the Moscow-Washington axis
Boris Kagarlitsky — Washington’s new orientation is towards dominance, one that does not take into account the interests or rights of others, and in which Russia is being openly offered the role of junior partner.

In defence of Lenin’s writings on the national question: A response to Hanna Perekhoda
Dmitry Pozhidaev — Lenin’s vision of the national question was far from assimilationist; it was a dialectical approach that recognised proletarian internationalism could only be built on respect for national and cultural differences.

Paul Le Blanc: Why I am rejoining Solidarity and some thoughts on the future
Paul Le Blanc explains why he is rejoining Solidarity and how it fits into his thinking about what we are facing and “what is to be done” at this point in time.

Abdullah Öcalan: ‘The PKK has reached the end of its life cycle and should be dissolved’
From prison on Imrali Island, Abdullah Öcalan has issued a call to members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party to lay down their arms and dissolve the organisation.

Ebru Günay — The resolution of the Kurdish issue is not only crucial for the Kurdish people but for the shared future of all peoples in Turkey and the region.

The Syrian revolution, Iran and Israel: Squaring the circle, refuting myths
Michael Karadjis breaks down some myths surrounding Israel, Iran and the fall of the Assad regime.

The 2025 German election: First impressions and implications (plus: How Die Linke turned the tide)
Moritz Warnke writes that snap elections saw stunning gains for left and right, while Ines Schwerdtner and Jan van Aken dissect Die Linke’s remarkable comeback.

Li Andersson discusses the challenges posed by Russia’s war in Ukraine and Trump’s return.