Interview by Joana Tavares
May 26, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, originally translated from
Venezuela: speaking up to say the truth
By Atilio Boron
May 24, 2017 —&
The Chávez hypothesis: vicissitudes of a strategic project
By Chris Gilbert
May 23, 2017 —
Major decisions face Québec solidaire at its forthcoming congress
By Richard Fidler
A Québécois view of Canada’s 150th anniversary: Why celebrate colonial autonomy?
By André Binette, translation and notes by Richard Fidler
May 16, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Life on the Left — Each sovereign state can choose the date of its national holiday. Generally, this date recalls the accession to independence. The United States, for example, chose to emphasize each year their unilateral declaration of independence of July 4, 1776. They preferred this date to the date of the Treaty of Paris, 1783, which ended the revolutionary war they had won thanks to France’s decisive support. Their national holiday commemorates a founding act.
Fraternization between Russian and German soldiers on the Eas
Global capitalist crisis and Trump’s war drive
By William I. Robinson
Critiquing Maduro from the left
By Steve Ellner
May 13, 2017 — Li