The Communist Manifesto: A weapon of war
Northern nastiness: Far right becomes second party in German chancellor Merkel's home state
The best homage we can pay Fidel: look outward together in the same direction
Working class power & feminism: An interview with Alia Amirali (Awami Workers Party, Pakistan)
Struggle over the Cuban press intensifies
Ideas for the struggle #3 - To be at the service of popular movements, not replace them
1. We have previously stated that politics is the art of constructing a social and political force capable of changing the balance of forces in order to make possible tomorrow that which today appears to be impossible.
Bolivia’s government sides with workers in conflict with bosses in mining cooperatives
Bolivia VP Alvaro Garcia Linera on the ebbing Latin American tide
“Dialectical materialism,” ideology and revisionism
September 9, 2016 — Links International Jou