Marx on the 'Jewish question': anti-Semitic or a cogent critique of liberalism
Favourite maxim: Nothing human is alien to me
Demonstration at Tahrir Square in Cairo, June 30, 2013.
Why we need an ecosocialist revolution (with video)
This is the text of Ian Angus' talk at the Socialism 2013 conference in
Australia: Cuba's 'Yes, we can' literacy campaign success in outback
June 27, 2013 – Green Left TV – Bob Boughton speaks to GLTV's Linda Seaborn about his exper
Robert Austin on 'Latin America's Turbulent Transitions' (video)
June 16, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Latin America expert Robert Austin g
Socialist Alliance national convenor Peter Boyle speaks at Socialist Alternative's Marxism 2013.
Britain: People's Assembly prepares for fight back (with videos); Success, challenges and politics
Ken Loach.
By Jody Betzien, London
Obama in South Africa: Washington tells Pretoria how to ‘play the game’ in Africa
Protesters greet Obama, June 28, 2013.