Fourth International

Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv - CC BY 4.0

Fourth International: Defend Ukraine’s right to self-determination and to resist Russia’s invasion

Fourth International — Any “peace” based on the conditions proposed by Trump and Putin, and imposed against the will of the Ukrainian people, will only be the prelude to more occupation and violence in the future.
red and green

Fourth International: Draft manifesto of revolutionary Marxism in the age of capitalist ecological and social destruction

Fourth International — An ecosocialist society is needed, and can be achieved only through a revolution. This manifesto tries to assess the best ways and means towards this aim.
Palestine protest

Fourth International: In solidarity with people's struggles against unbridled imperialism, for the liberation of the peoples and saving the environment

Fourth International — The wars we are facing are linked to the global crisis of capitalism and the resulting headlong rush into conflict between rival imperialist powers.

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