Richard Fidler

statute Allende

That other 9-11: The coup that ended Chile’s Popular Unity government

Richard Fidler — On the 50th anniversary of the coup in Chile, it seems appropriate to look back at the Chilean experience and to think about the lessons to be learned for today’s Left and progressive movements.
Canada Ukraine protest

Canadian left responses to war in Ukraine: A provisional balance sheet

Richard Fidler — Russia’s massive invasion of Ukraine, the prompt mobilization of resistance by Ukrainians, and the quick shift toward public support for NATO in much of Europe, confronted the international Left and progressive forces with some major challenges. The Left in Canada was no exception.
OTA Chair Joan Kuyek and Alderman John Sewell at panel on Tenant Control, Toronto.

Canada: Tenants confront the housing crisis

Richard Fidler — How Ontario tenants fought for legal security of tenure, and won.
German advances through Belgium

Supporting Ukraine's right to self-determination: The historical example of ‘poor little Belgium’

Richard Fidler - Historical analogies can indeed be useful in assessing the issues posed in contemporary events, provided of course that careful attention is paid to the particular circumstances and to what degree the differing situations and protagonists are comparable.

China: Neither imperialist nor part of the Global South

Introduction and translation by Richard Fidler

Revisiting the theory of super-exploitation

Introduction and translation by Richard Fidler July 5, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from