Burkina Faso

The last French soldiers leave Niger.

West African coups: Just changing masters

Paul Martial — Mali, then Burkina Faso, and finally Niger have experienced coups d’état. Some see the coup leaders as new heralds of Africa’s liberation. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different.

'Our stomachs will make themselves heard': What Sankara can teach us about food justice today

By Amber Murrey May 19, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Pambazuka News -- In recent weeks, news of food crises in countries across Africa has been intensifying. From the Democratic Republic of Congo all the way down to South Africa – via Malawi, Zimbabwe, Angola and many others – low rainfall has contributed to millions more being left vulnerable.

Thomas Sankara and Burkina Faso's 'Black Spring'

Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary
By Ernest Harsch,
Ohio University Press, 2014.